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词汇 thoughts and feelings
释义 thoughts and feelings
thoughts and feelings发音



no hard feelings───无恶意;无恶感

thought readings───读心术

Highland flings───苏格兰高地舞

hard feelings───反感;怨气

holiday feelings───节日情怀

noughts and crosses───画圈打叉游戏(等于noughts-and-crosses)

thought reading───读心术

wheeling and dealings───想方设法;不择手段

comings and goings───穿梭往来;来来去去


We use words to give voice to our thoughts and feelings.───我们用文字来表达我们的思想和感情.

So, carry your positive thoughts and feelings close, they will serve you well.───所以, 你要怀着积极的想法和近在咫尺的感受, 他们将为你带来帮助.

He was alive with thoughts and feelings concerning Carrie.───他浑身洋溢着关怀嘉莉的思想感情.

Adults should encourage children and adolescents to share their thoughts and feelings about the incident.───成年人应当鼓励儿童和青少年与他们分享对于灾难的想法和感觉.

is vital to your mind, soul, body and your life on the whole that you stay in the present with all your thoughts and feelings.───总体上,你认识到你所有的想法和情感是生活在现在,这对你的心理、灵魂、身体和你生命是非常重要的。

Translation and writing are the two wings by which Zhou Zuoren expressed his thoughts and feelings.───翻译和写作是周作人伸展思想感情的两翼.

I feel a lot of thoughts and feelings.───我心里有好多好多的感触。

After dinner, they started sharing their thoughts and feelings as usual.───晚饭后, 他们和往常一样开始分享自己的感受.

That is, relaxation may elicIt'sensations, thoughts, and feelings that were previously inaccessible.───那就是, 放松可以引出之前难以触及的感觉, 想法和情绪.

Words embody thoughts and feelings.───言语具体表现各种思想和感情.

The author projects his own thoughts and feelings into the personality of the hero of his play.───作者把自己的思想感情寄托在剧中主人翁身上.

A large , secret part of his thoughts and feelings he continued to hold back.───他的大部分不愿暴露的思想和感觉,仍然被他隐瞒在心里.

True intimacy comes from being able to express your true thoughts and feelings.───能够表达你的真实思想和感情才有真正的亲密关系.

In the past, people communicate their thoughts and feelings through newspapers, magazines, books, radios and televisions.───过去人们通过报刊 、 杂志 、 书籍 、 广播和电视等媒体来交流思想和感情.

That then provides us the courage to express our true thoughts and feelings, without the fear of being judged.───那之后给了我们表达真实想法和情感的勇气,而不用担心别人的判断。

What are your thoughts and feelings about living and working at Xinyu College?───你对在新余高专生活和工作有何感想?

As for Hurstwood, he was alive with thoughts and feelings concerning Carrie.───关于赫斯渥, 他心里充满着关于嘉莉的种种思绪和情感.

Please write down the thoughts and feelings, thank you!───大家请把感想和心情写下了, 谢谢了!


Cagney's impact and the thoughts and feelings that he provoked came directly from his own performance before the camera.

Please send us your thoughts and feelings on the subject.

Its vibration harmonizes all my thoughts and feelings, as I gaze fixed into the depths of this greatest of flowers.

Start listening to the subtle thoughts and feelings, the slight shifts in energy, which bubble up from your inner self.

In order to communicate thoughts and feelings, people invented a conventional system of signs or symbols which mean the same to the sender and the receiver.

I find it difficult to put my thoughts and feelings about this into words, so I will leave it to others.

Words embody thoughts and feelings.

Children sometimes need help expressing their thoughts and feelings.

That is, relaxation may elicIt'sensations, thoughts, and feelings that were previously inaccessible.





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