thick coat───厚外套
tail coat───[服装]燕尾服
thin out───使稀薄;使稀疏
tail coats───[服装]燕尾服
thin crust───薄皮
white coat───n.白膜;白大褂;n.白灰罩面
Eton coat───伊顿公学外套
mink coat───貂皮大衣
He is cleaning the thin coat of ice in the fridge.───他正在清理冰箱里的冰碴儿.
The road is covered with a thin coat of ice.───路上有一层薄冰.
He buttoned his thin coat against the chilling wind.───他扣好单薄的上衣,以便抵挡刺骨的寒风.
This thin coat lets the cold wind through.───这件薄外衣,冷风可以透过.
I went up three dusty flights of stairs and I cried, shivering in my thin coat.───我爬上三层积满灰尘的楼梯, 禁不住凄然泪下,又加衣衫单薄冷得直打哆嗦.
He buttoned his thin coat against the chilling wind without any hope.───他绝望地扣上他单薄的上衣扣子以抵御寒风.
Such a thin coat can't protect the cold in such mountain area.───这么薄的外衣在这个山区是无法御寒的。
Chihuahuas have kind of a thin coat, so they get cold easily.───吉娃娃只有薄薄的外衣,所以他们很容易着凉。
A thin coat of vapor began to collect.───薄薄的一层蒸汽开始集聚起来。
The hard disk is covered with a thin coat of magnetic material.───硬盘被一层薄薄的磁性材料覆盖着.
Chihuahuas have kind thin coat, so they get cold easily.───吉娃娃只有薄薄的外衣, 所以他们很容易着凉.
He wore his thin coat in freezing cold days and fell ill soon.───他在冰冷的天还穿着单薄的大衣,不久就病倒了.
He wiped a thin coat of dust of the plate with his sleeve.───他用袖子揩去盘子上一层薄薄的灰尘.
A thin coat of balm on the arms can drive away the mosquitoes.───在手臂涂上一层薄薄的香油,能驱走蚊子.
Such a thin coat gives little protection against the cold.───这样一件薄薄的大衣难以御寒.
Her thin coat provided little protection against the cold.───她那单薄的外衣不怎么御寒.
He buttoned his thin coat against the chilling wind.
Her thin coat quickly became sodden.
Direction: Shake well before use, pre-clean car paint surface, after dry, apply and spread a thin coat of wax with sponge, after 5 or more minutes, buff to a high gloss with a soft, dry terry cloth.
The thin coat, too thin surely for a night in early November, was pulled waist high.
The wind was cold, and he pulled his thin coat around him.
An old, thin coat was turned up about his red ears-his cracked derby hat was pulled down until it turned them outward.
A thin coat of glycocalyx is present on the tegument surface.
Spread the frosting on the brownies in a thin coat, only enough to cover, and set aside to firm.
- think big
- think sad
- thinker toys
- thinker bell
- thin girl
- things we do
- thinking pattern
- things i do
- think critically
- think at
- think poorly of
- thinks over
- things about me
- think first
- thinking cap
- thinning out
- think in
- thinking in JAVA
- thin-walled steel
- think a minute
- think better