

词汇 the fifteen
释义 the fifteen
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the Fifteen───十五

the fifties───五十年代


the Life───生平;生命

the fidgets───坐立不安

the filth───肮脏的东西

the forties───苏格兰东北岸与挪威西南岸之间的海域

the screen───屏幕



The mother paid the fifteen francs.───那母亲照寄十五法郎。

I looked and lo! every one of the fifteen men who had been standing with me had disappeared.───我一看,哎哟!原来那十五个和我站一起的家伙全没了踪影。

eye hospital in Paris still keeps its name.───巴黎“15-20”眼科中心医院仍保留原名。

The fifteen minutes seemed an hour, but they came to an end at last, and the word 'Recess! ' had never seemed so welcome to her before.───度‘分’如年,可也终有结束的一刻;那声“下课”,从来没像今天一样受人欢迎。

KAG SHUNZI--- The fifteen year-year-old daughter of Sixth-Born Kang, sold to Eunuch Pang to be his wife.───康顺子——女。在第一幕中十五岁。康六的女儿。被卖给庞太监为妻。

After the fifteen dry days, all the plants were watered again for a week.───十五天干旱后,他们给全部植物浇水一个星期。

But she's got her mind set on the fifteen francs and if I don't want to fight about it she's going to make me fight.───可这女人早已拿定主意要赚这十五法郎,即使我不愿为此拼命她也要逼我去拼。

We have achieved most of the targets we laid out in the Fifteen-Year Plan, but, frankly, we have not fulfilled our environmental targets.───“十五”计划我们大多数的指标都基本完成了,但是坦率地告诉大家,环境指标没有完成。

Ford had only acquired it through a serious computer error towards the end of the fifteen years' sojourn he had spent on the planet Earth.───在十五年的地球旅居即将结束的时候,福特通过一次严重的电脑运行错误获得了这张运通卡。


The fifteen girls across the bar turned their eyes on him with identical expressions of bland, fathomless contempt.

In the final section an analysis of the fifteen deviant cases is undertaken.

In the fifteen years up to 1962, its production doubled in real terms.

Test documents were selected for each of the fifteen domains, approximating 500 words in each.

The fifteen Calders join seven in the museum's permanent collection, including three mobiles previously given by the Horwiches.

Only seven of the fifteen large bookstores in Moscow took the trouble to send anything out to provincial peasant reading-centres.

So it had been throughout the fifteen years he had been deputy manager, so it would ever be.

I looked and lo! every one of the fifteen men who had been standing with me had disappeared.

About five of the fifteen or so grunts on the hilltop were outside the tent hanging around.

  • the money tree
  • the person i like
  • there is a box
  • the derryo
  • the the
  • the study
  • the wall
  • the public
  • the old course
  • theism define
  • there is on
  • the surf
  • the day come
  • the bell rings
  • ther re
  • the the thwal
  • the yellow river
  • the most
  • these socks
  • there is for
  • the red coat




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