

词汇 The Beginning
释义 The Beginning
The Beginning发音



new beginning───新的开始(歌名,NewBeginning);新的开始


mark the beginning───标记开头

the very beginning───一开始





the living───生者;活着的人们


He's been upfront about his intentions since the beginning.───他从一开始就明白说出了他的意图。

This was also the beginning of her recording career.───这也是她灌片生涯的开始。

We missed the beginning of the movie.───我们错过了电影的开头部分。

Such a fate is perhaps just the beginning of a story, you and I can only feel the traction with, how far can complete involuntarily.───这样的际遇或许只是一个故事的开始,你我也只能凭借感觉的牵引,能走多远完全的不由自主。

Since the beginning of 2009, the yuan has stayed relatively stable against the U. S. dollar.───自2009年初以来,人民币兑美元汇率一直保持着相对稳定。

At the beginning of this inspection everything seemed to be in good order on the surface.───在这次检查一切的开始,似乎是在表面上的良好秩序。

Students may be tested at the beginning and again at the end of a course of study to assess the quality of the teaching on the course.───要评估课程的教学质量,可以在课程开始和结束时分别对学生进行一次测验。

Android was designed from the beginning to work across a variety of devices from phones to set-top boxes to netbooks.───Android从设计的最开始就是要在不同设备——从电话到机顶盒到上网本——上运行的。

I said at the beginning of this process, we cannot and should not intervene every time there is an injustice in the world.───在这个进程开始之初,我曾经表示,我们不能也不应每逢世界上出现违背正义的情况就进行干预。


Love is sweet in the beginning, but sour in the end. 

Doubt is the beginning not the end of wisdom. 

Humility is the beginning of wisdom. 

Love is sweet in the beginning but sour in the ending. 

At the beginning of June an event occurred.

The academic year commences at the beginning of October.

We missed the beginning of the movie.

We're going to Japan at the beginning of July.

At the beginning blazing heart Long silence.

  • The B
  • The mess
  • The mass
  • The show
  • The rest of life
  • Then selince
  • The Cup Of Life
  • The Mist
  • The pigs go
  • The good side
  • The Show Run
  • The Taipan
  • They are grey
  • The Sky
  • The cows go
  • They are busy
  • The cats go
  • Theman safarmer
  • The Parting
  • The mirror
  • There is no




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