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词汇 test pilot
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test pilots───试飞员

bush pilot───无人区飞行员

test film───刻度记录,[摄]试验片

test films───刻度记录,[摄]试验片

test piece───[材][机]试样;制取试样的金属块;参赛或命题曲目

to pilot───引航员

bush pilots───无人区飞行员

test flight───试验飞行,[航]试飞

test pieces───[材][机]试样;制取试样的金属块;参赛或命题曲目


Right after Rick graduated from test pilot school, I miscarried.───里克刚从试飞员学校毕业, 我就流产了.

Finally, why isn't there a statue to Vivier and the unknown stiletto test pilot?───最后, 为什么没有微微恩和那位试穿高跟鞋的无名女性的塑像 呢 ?

Being a test pilot is an inherently very risky business.───作为一个试飞员是一个内在非常危险的.

In the cockpit ahead of a 1966 flight is NASA test pilot Milt Thompson.───在驾驶舱前面的飞行是美国宇航局1966年的试飞员米尔特汤普森.

Neil Armstrong was working as a test pilot when NASA chose him to become an astronaut.───当尼尔·阿姆斯特朗是试飞员的时候,被美国航空航天局选中作为航天员.

Admiral Denton has also served as a flight instructor and naval test pilot.───登顿将军也曾担任过飞行讲师和海军试飞员.

And, against all the odds, it has its first official astronaut in the shape of Tim Peake, an army helicopter test pilot.───并且不管怎么说,英国已经正式有了自己的第一位宇航员,部队直升机试飞员Tim Peake。

After the war, he worked as a test pilot. He flew planes designed by his younger brother Burt.───越战之后,他成为了一名试飞员——他试飞的是他的弟弟Burt设计的飞机。

He was once described as a fussily accurate test pilot.───他一度被称为过分讲究精准的试飞员。

Today's activities are designed to give the test pilot a feel for how the plane moves on the ground.───告诉BBC的记者说:“今天太棒了,我们都非常激动。 今天的测试内容是让飞行员体验一下飞机在地面上移动的时候感觉如何。”

Neil Armstrong was the commander of the spacecraft. He was a test pilot.───尼尔.阿姆斯特朗是该宇宙飞船的指令长, 他曾是一名试飞员.


The owner pilot accompanied the test pilot on this flight, but acted only as an observer.

Right after Rick graduated from test pilot school, I miscarried.

Being a test pilot is an inherently very risky business.

I set off as a television test pilot and have ended up with my best-ever chance of winning the race.

In March the manufacturer's test pilot flew the aircraft for its annual inspection check flight.

The test pilot quietly waiting, literally for the paint to dry.

In October 1925, NACA test pilot Paul King poses with a Vought VE-7 "Bluebird" biplane, typically used as an advanced trainer, before taking flight.

He is a former test pilot and qualified on the Boeing 707.

Neil Armstrong was working as a test pilot when NASA chose him to become an astronaut.

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