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词汇 tearing up
释义 tearing up
tearing up发音



bearing up───使振作;不气馁;驶向下风

gearing up───齿轮增速

teaming up───v.合作;结成一队;协作

clearing up───清乡

steaming up───产前补饲

beating up───adj.年久失修的;残破的;v.暴打,痛打;抬(价);惊动;搅拌

easing up───v.缓和;放松;减轻

eating up───吃光;耗尽;击垮

flaring up───突然发怒;突然烧起来


I am tearing up! The taste is too strong for me.───我流眼泪了。这个味儿太浓了。

She is tearing up the ivories in heaven, I am sure.───她正在天堂里大弹特弹着钢琴呢,我敢肯定。

He began by tearing up a large number of bushes by the roots.───他把一大把灌木连根拔起。

Margaret took advantage of the time to turn out the drawers of her desk, tearing up pieces of paper in a nervous compulsion to do something.───玛格利特利用这段时间,打开写字台的抽屉,把纸撕碎。她忐忑不安,下意识地干着各种事。

It's very easy to imagine Shaw or Pauline Kael tearing up the comment threads (and impossible to imagine Dwight Macdonald doing so).───我们很容易想象萧伯纳或宝琳•凯尔撕碎捆绑评论的绳索(却不能想象德怀特•麦克唐纳这样做)。

It went on tearing up the grass and took no notice of him.───马儿继续把青草拉起来咬嚼,没注意沙斯塔。

toxic secretions thick thick, was auburn, tearing up the rear in the air, easy to change color.───有毒厚厚的分泌物,是红褐色,撕毁空气中,容易变色后方。

He was all tearing up. Ready to hug me.───他听了之后很感动,泪流满面,还准备拥抱我。

Right at that very second. It was like the heavens heard my cry, and the angels were tearing up sheets of paper right along with me.───正在那时那刻,开始下雪了,这就像天堂听到了我的哭声,天使和我一起撕碎纸片。


She was mistaken only in not tearing up shots of other religious leaders also.

He suddenly had a vision of Lee tearing up his note-book and wearing his helmet.

He accused the leader of tearing up the party's manifesto .

He stood desperately on the platform, tearing up the ticket tearfully.

They are tearing up the street to repair a sewer.

They were tearing up the playgrounds and tearing up the front lawns and the porches.

Surely tearing up the Pope's picture was meant as a symbolic gesture, not a personal affront.

Instead, I saved the tearing up for when Htan Dah put another bowl of stick soup in front of me now and asked, "How long are you staying?"

I knew that strip mining was tearing up many scenic areas and that clear-cutting was causing widespread damage in the mountains.

  • tearing down the walls
  • tearing off
  • tearing up
  • tearing full speed




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