

词汇 team bride
释义 team bride
team bride发音



beam brick───梁砖

beam rider───[航][军]波束制导导弹

war bride───战时新娘

steam boiler───蒸汽锅炉

beam bricks───梁砖

deck bridge───上承桥;[交]上承式桥

road bridge───公路桥;道路桥

team leader───组长;团队领导

team sprint───团队冲刺


Mei master to find horses commander said he helped to protect the bride to the team, and the horse commander after listening to frank promised, he said hell send a even of the strength of protection.───梅老爷去找了马司令说想要他出兵保护迎亲的队伍,马司令听了之后爽快的答应了,他说自己会派一个连的兵力保护。

Similarly, buy cover against your bride becoming pregnant before the honeymoon, your team being knocked out of the soccer World Cup, burning your tongue eating hotpot or if smog ruins your holiday.───类似的还有,新娘在蜜月之前怀孕的赔付险,世界杯期间你支持的球队被淘汰的保险,吃火锅时舌头被烫伤保险,还有度假时遭遇雾霾天的保险。

Senior photography team of the gold coast, the bride consultants intimate quest, exclusive 50000 square meters of luxury base, gathering thousands of sets of big wedding dress, to attain.───金海岸资深摄影团队,新娘顾问贴心相随,独家50000平米奢华基地,千百套大牌婚纱礼服汇聚,至臻之选。

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