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词汇 tax collector
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tax collectors───n.[税收]收税员

stamp collector───集邮者

rate collector───收费员

art collector───艺术收藏家

bow collector───弓形集电器

rate collectors───收费员

solar collector───[能源]太阳能集热器;太阳能收集器;[能源]太阳能聚集器

art collectors───艺术收藏家

bow collectors───弓形集电器


Two men went up to the temple to pray, a Pharisee and the a tax collector.───说、有两个人上殿里去祷告.一个是法利赛人、一个是税吏.

He earned his living as a tax collector.───他以收税为业。

The most visible functions of government are those of regulator, tax collector, and provider.───政府最重要的职能是管理 、 征税 、 供给.

People did make way for him because he was a tax collector.───但当时的人并不喜欢税吏,所以见到他的时候,可能也会避开.

The tax collector has been charged with extorting money from several shopkeepers.───收税员受到指控,罪名是向几个店主勒索钱财.

It is more like a tax collector.───公司更像是一个收税员。

The man replied , " No sir I'm just a tax collector. "───男子答道: “ 不,先生,我只是个税收官罢了. ”

He's an unsullied tax collector.───他是一位一身清白的税务员.

The tax collector assessed 3 million dollars as the legacy tax.───税收官征收了三百万的遗产税.

Some survive by slipping the tax collector a few Congolese francs to look the other way.───一些侥幸存活下来的公司只能给税务员塞些刚果法郎以求他们能放过一马。

But it was the tax collector whom God accepted ( v. 14 ).───然而,耶稣却说,最终是那税吏蒙神接纳 ( 14节 ).

He earned his living as a tax collector.───他做收税员谋生。

The tax collector will share your pain.───收税人会与你共同承担痛苦.

This procedure diverts massive amounts of capital to the tax collector and substantial sums to underwriters.───这一过程把大量资本转给了税务局和投行.

The man, Jesus, even though sinless, befriended sinners like the tax collector , even you and me.───人子耶稣原本无罪, 却做税吏这等罪人的朋友, 做你我的朋友.

The tax collector assesses the tax amount by the assets of the company.───税收官根据这家公司的资产拟定了税收金额.

They love the tax collector as the devil loves holy water.───他们对那个收税人恨之入骨.

There is no business of any executor or tax collector in the future.───将来的一切都用不着遗嘱执行人和税收人过问了.

Luke 19:1 tells the story of Zacchaeus the tax collector.───路加福音19:1讲述了税吏撒该的故事.


Playing hide and seek with the tax collector is a popular game.

Of course, the very concept of a popular tax collector is as oxymoronic as jumbo shrimp.

But it was the tax collector whom God accepted ( v. 14 ).

He earned his living as a tax collector.

He's an unsullied tax collector.

The tax collector has been charged with extorting money from several shopkeepers.

They love the tax collector as the devil loves holy water.

The tax collector will share your pain.

Tax collector turned apostle; he wrote the first Gospel between 60 and 90, which contains quotes from the Old Testament.

  • tax liability
  • tax burden
  • tax rates
  • tax reduction
  • tax breaks
  • tax incidence
  • taxonomy hierarchy
  • tax code
  • tax return
  • tax collection
  • taxonomy of fish
  • taxation without representation
  • tax deduction
  • tax incentive
  • tax evasion
  • taxes on




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