

词汇 talking head
释义 talking head
talking head发音




talking heads───传声头像;头部特写

balding head───n.秃头

talking at───影射;对…不停地说

walking leaf───活叶

looking ahead───预测未来,计划未来

talking round───说服;转弯抹角地说

talking shops───三句话不离本行,说行话




Merduk enjoyed his conversations with his talking head.───Merduk很享受与他会说话的头颅对话的乐趣.

He moved a little to the side of M'Coy's talking head.───他把头略微偏过去一点,好躲开 麦科伊 那张谈兴正浓的脸.

Don't continually talk about yourself. No one finds a Talking Head to be attractive.───不要一直谈论你自己。没人喜欢滔滔不绝说个不停的人。

Take a break from simply being a "talking head" and introduce a prop or an audience participation exercise now and then.───从一个单纯的“会说话的脑袋”中暂时解脱出来,是不是表演一个小把戏或者做一个观众参与的游戏。

The machine kept the talking head alive for many years until it finally died.───机器使能说话的头颅活了很多年.

Built by researchers at Microsoft, Laura appears a talking head on a screen.───由微软研发人员建造的[萝拉],可以头像方式出现在电脑萤幕上.

I'm the walking dead, but I'm just a talking head, a zombie floating.───我是个行尸走肉,但我只是个会说话的头,游荡的僵尸。

They were talking head to head.───他们在促膝谈心.


Merduk enjoyed his conversations with his talking head.

The election broadcast consisted largely of talking heads.

Not an expert, a talking head.

Sentencedict.com is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

Alan Bennett wrote a series of monologues called Talking Heads.

A one-minute spot is just a commercial, a talking head.

Date, an expose-type show with more talking heads than journalists.

They were talking head to head.

The first I heard of my part in Talking Heads was when the script was pushed through my letterbox.

  • talking for
  • talking shop
  • talking off
  • talking data
  • talking picture
  • talking shit freestyle
  • talking with
  • talking head




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