

词汇 taken up
释义 taken up
taken up发音



take up───拿起;开始从事;占据(时间,地方)

takes up───拿起;开始从事;占据(时间,地方)

shaken up───摇匀;重组;震动

taken out───vt.取出,拿出

eaten up───吃完;耗尽

take ups───拿起;开始从事;占据(时间,地方)



If she had had to give up riding she might have taken up sailing competitively.───如果当时她不得不放弃马术,她可能就已经从事帆船竞赛了。

She had taken up the cause of a generation of American youth.───她已经开始着手一代美国年轻人的事业。

Much of the second half is taken up with the devilishly tricky business of trying to extract causation from correlation.───下半部分的大部分内容处理的是努力从相关性引出因果关系这种特别微妙的做法。

For me, this number was a real eye-opener, as I began to realize how much of my time really is taken up by my chase for more money.───对于我来说,这个数字实在是大开眼界,我开始意识到我的时间中实际有多少被用于上班挣钱。

The man received him in his dressing-room, and after their business talk was over the wonders of the house were taken up.───男人在他的化妆室中收到他,而且在他们的生意谈话之后是在房子的奇迹之上被着手进行。

Well, thank you for explaining it all so clearly. I've taken up a great deal of your time.───谢谢你给我解释得这样清楚,我已占用了你不少时间。

Almost three-and-a-half hours of a woman's day is taken up with domestic work, compared to less than two hours for men.───女人一天中差不多有三个半小时用来做家务,相比之下男人只花费不到两小时。

he had been taken up quite enthusiastically for a time by smart society in london , for he wrote smart society plays.───曾经有一个时候,他受过伦敦时髦社会很热烈的欢迎因为他所写的都是时髦社会的剧本。


Once he's taken up a defensive attitude, it's difficult to persuade him that there's nothing to be afraid of.

  • taken up
  • taken in
  • taken backearthquake
  • taken 2
  • taken for a ride
  • taken out of service
  • taken aback
  • taken away from
  • taken over
  • taken place
  • takenotemuch time




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