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词汇 swine fever
释义 swine fever
swine fever发音



swine fevers───猪瘟疫(等于hogcholera)

spring fever───春倦症;枯草热

swamp fever───[兽医]马传染性贫血;疟疾

spring fevers───春倦症;枯草热

swamp fevers───[兽医]马传染性贫血;疟疾

shipping fever───[兽医]船运热;牛败血症

;ain fever───脑热病;脑膜炎

cabin fever───幽居病

have fever───发烧


Reflect farmers , fish farmers around swine fever has been to become their biggest heart.───养殖户反映, 猪瘟一直缠绕养殖户,成为他们最大的心病.

Do not eat swine fever is not how to do? Rush!───猪不发烧不吃食怎么办? 急急!

Objective To obtain the E2 genes from Neimeng strain of classical swine fever virus and construct fusion genes.───目的:获取猪瘟病毒内蒙流行株的E2基因并构建融合基因。

The marker vaccine is the development direction of classical swine fever vaccine.───标记疫苗是目前猪瘟疫苗发展的趋势.

The sudden and to the "swine fever", it is reported that has resulted in 80 deaths.───这场猝然而至的“猪瘟”,据报道,已造成80多人死亡。

immunization is one of the stratigies in control of classic swine fever, a viral disease.───免疫防龋是目前龋病预防研究的热点之一。


October 2007, Rome - African Swine Fever (ASF) remains deeply entrenched in Georgia and has recently also hit northern Armenia and the outskirts of the capital Yerevan, FAO said today.

There have never been Scrapie, Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, African horse sickness, African swine fever, Vesicular stomatitis, Lumpy skin disease and Rift Valley fever in China.

More recently african swine fever has spread through the Caribbean countries.

Classical swine fever (CSF) is an important disease in pigs caused by the CSF virus (CSFV), which belongs to the genus Pestivirus within the family Flaviviridae.

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