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词汇 swearing in
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sealing in───封入

sharing in───分享,分担

swearing by───对…发誓;极其信赖

wearing on───缓慢地进行;时间消逝

swearing off───发誓戒除;放弃

swearing out───由宣誓而得到

wearing thin───穿薄;逐渐消失


Yet she conformed to no stereotype, swearing in the vernacular in the coarsest of terms, living for months in the woods and fighting, in the words of a confrère, not like a man but “like five men”.───但她不是墨守成规的人,她用粗俗的本地方言骂人,在丛林里生活打拼过几个月,用同行的话来说,她“不是男人,胜似男人”。

This swearing in ceremony has a special meaning for all of us because volunteerism is really ingrained in American culture and society.───这次宣誓仪式对于我们全体都有特殊意义,因为志愿服务是美国文化和社会根深蒂固的组成部分。

January 1983, during my swearing-in speech to the legislature, Hugh Rodham had slumped in his chair.───1月,我在向州议会进行宣誓就职演讲的时候,休。罗德姆突然倒在椅子上。

and, when I published my own ideas, I h*e never been accused of being a servile disciple, or of swearing in verba magistri.───并且,在我发表自己的见解的时候,也没人来说我是个过于顺从的门徒,或者只会附和权威的言论。

She had been sick for several years. She had been hoping to sing during President-elect Barack Obama's swearing-in ceremony next month.───她多年来一直遭受病痛的困扰,她曾希望能够在下个月当选总统巴拉克.奥巴马宣誓就职仪式上演唱。

Nativity plays or carol concerts in state primary schools are unthinkable, as would be the swearing-in of presidents over the Bible.───基督诞生演出或是颂歌音乐会在公立小学是不能接受的,同样总统就圣经宣誓就职也是不能接受的。

To confuse and annoy, there is nothing like swearing in an obscure foreign language. Try. . .───令人困惑而且使人气恼,没有比用晦涩难懂的语言发誓更为有意思的了。试试下面这些吧…

After his very in swearing-in, the president joined members of Congress for a luncheonette luncheon in the Capitol.───他宣誓就职以后,总统参加了在国会大厦举行的国会议员午餐会。

Many of those who attended the swearing-in ceremony at the U. S. Capitol simply followed him home, where he greeted them in the Blue Room.───许多人在国会大厦参加完总统宣誓仪式后,就可以随着总统回家,总统在蓝室欢迎他们。


He is swearing in as a privy councillor.

It is feared there is much hard swearing in Indian courts of law.

It was a quiet prelude to four days of celebrations in the Nation's Capital - a welcoming concert at the Lincoln Memorial on Sunday, the swearing in on Tuesday, and a prayer service Wednesday morning.

It is not uncommon for a client on the telephone to hear swearing in the background.

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