

词汇 supporting character
释义 supporting character
supporting character发音



supporting actor───最佳男配角

compelling character───引人注目的性格

sporting career───运动生涯

sporting chance───成败可能参半的机会

sporting chances───成败可能参半的机会

supporting actors───配角

supporting cast───配角演员组


Baloha, the president's chief of staff, who is plotting against the coalition and accuses Ms Tymoshenko of building a “fascist regime”.───总统幕僚长Viktor Baloha当然是站在总统一边,他正在策划反对联合政府,并且指控季莫申科建立了一个“法西斯政权”。

Meat should be a supporting actor on the plate, not the main character.───肉类不应该是我们饮食中的主角,而应该是一个配角。

Mantel's boldly reimagined saga of 16th Century Europe is told from the perspective of Thomas Cromwell (with Henry VIII as a supporting character). It has been filmed as a new BBC miniseries.───希拉里的这部作品从托马斯·克伦威尔的视角大胆地对16世纪的欧洲进行重构,而亨利八世(则一反常态地)在书中扮演配角。这本长篇小说已经被拍成了BBC新系列短剧。

Frequently begins films with a scene where a supporting character is talking to another supporting character about the main character.───通常,电影的开头是这样的:两个配角正在谈论电影的主人公。

Reti first appeared in LucasArts' Star Wars Starfighter flight game, where he was a supporting character voiced by Wally Wingert.───雷蒂第一次出现在卢卡斯艺术公司的飞行游戏《星球大战:星际战斗机》中,是一个配角,由沃利·温格特配音。

"I" is the real hero in the novel while Kong Yiji is only a supporting character.───孔乙己仅是小说中的一个次要人物,“我”才是真正的主人公。


The dominant supporting character is Lady Davers, who supplies an analysis of society's reaction to such a misalliance.

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