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filtered through───滤过


leafed through───迅速翻阅

muddled through───终于应付过去;混过去

pulled through───渡过难关;恢复健康

pushed through───完成;挤著穿过

rushed through───快速通过;仓促完成


Strauss, then 76 years old, suffered through the war years in silence.───当时已76岁,默默地熬过了战争岁月。

country suffered through her refusal to accept change.───国家因为她拒绝接受变革而受了害。

understand how much the fans have suffered through our not winning trophies for a few years, but we will make sure this changes," he said.───他说道:“我们非常理解球迷们因为球队近几年无法夺冠而忍受的一些痛苦,但是我们将会确保在下赛季改变这一状况。”

The mountain appeared barren, as though it had suffered through many years of arid climate.───这座山看起来光秃秃的,似乎饱受了常年的干旱天气。

If you haven't suffered through one of these conversations, your time will come . . . or you are a walking diary.───假如你从未有这样的经验,也是时候了–除非你好比不限话题的行动日志。

The congregation there loved him, suffered through his earliest days as a pastor, and taught an intellectual northerner to be clear.───那里的会众喜爱他,对他初任牧师的青涩也很宽容,而且教会这个聪慧的北方老儿要口齿清晰。

We also discovered he was a sick man who suffered through many years of undetected and untreated bipolar disorder.───我们还发现,他是个病人,多年来一直患有躁郁症,但没人注意到,也没人给他治疗。

What she suffered through the long hours it would be impossible to describe.───在这漫长的黑夜里,她所感受的痛苦是无法描述的。

Japan suffered through its own burst bubble and spent years denying the depth of its problems.───日本经济曾经遭受泡沫破裂的沉重打击。但是多年来,日本一直不愿承认自身问题的严重性。


As children we suffered through schoolwork that was dull and repetitive.

Richard Strauss, then 76 years old, suffered through the war years in silence.

People who as children suffered through their parents' divorce certainly want to spare their children that kind of pain.

The consumer electronics industry suffered through one of its worst Christmas seasons in decades in 1996.

We all suffered through our mothers cornrowing our hair when we were little.

We children suffered through dull repetitive schoolwork, under the lash of sadistic teachers.

To make matters worse, Baldwin moved production to Arkansas, and Gretsch suffered through two disastrous fires.

Kobe and Bynum , in particular, suffered through some rather significant injuries.

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