

词汇 stuffed toy
释义 stuffed toy
stuffed toy发音



stuffed toys───毛绒玩具

stuffed up───填塞;堵住

stuffed dummy───填充假人

fluffy toy───毛绒玩具

snuffed out───扼杀;消灭;死掉


turned to───转向;变成;求助于;致力于;开始行动

stuffed derma───填充真皮

stuffed shirt───妄自尊大的人;自命不凡的人;道貌岸然的人


A shaggy, oversize stuffed toy dog lay in front of the television set.───一个毛茸茸的特大号玩具狗摆放在了电视机前。

's a sleeping bag! IT's a stuffed toy! IT's a SHARK!───是睡袋,也是毛绒玩具,我是鲨鱼!

He exited and circled his car back to the spot only to find a child's stuffed toy shark.───我很兴奋,开车掉头来到那个地方发现原来是一个儿童填充鲨鱼玩具。

The Teddy Bear is a stuffed toy bear.───泰迪熊是一种填充毛绒玩具熊.


A shaggy, oversize stuffed toy dog lay in front of the television set.

Jenny sat on the couch, cuddling a stuffed toy dog.

The stuffed toy has been designed to represent a "cuddlier" version of an H1N1 microbe, complete with a pig-like nose and eyes.

To remind me of that, I carry a stuffed toy, a small spotted dog that five-year-old Amber Mary brought me, along with a plastic bag holding a few pennies, at the end of a talk I gave in Florida.

The quartet all cuddle under the wings of the stuffed toy, which has been mother to another two orphans who have since been moved on to an outside pen.

  • stuffed toys
  • stuffed buns
  • stuffed animals




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