

词汇 study room
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study rooms───书房;自习室;教室

study group───学习集团,学习小组;学习研讨会

jury room───陪审团休息室

ready room───待命室;准备室

shed room───棚屋

squad room───士兵寝室

steam room───湿蒸房;蒸汽浴室

stock room───储藏室;商品展览室

stud book───马种登记簿;马档案


Therefore, I often go to the quiet study room where many people study there.───因此,我常常去安静的自习室学习,有很多人在那里学习。

My father was writing a composition in the study room.───我的父亲是在书房写一篇作文。

my favorite place is my study room.───我最喜欢的地方是我的书房。

Lin Tao hurried to study room to bring his birthday present.───林涛匆忙到书房拿他的生日礼物.

His study room is cluttered with books and magazines.───书和杂志堆满的他的书房.

Study room , two bedrooms and bathroom are on the second floor.───二楼包括书房和两个卧室.

Please fetch me the dictionary from study room.───请替我去阅览室把字典拿来.

Don Don went back to his study room and wrote the following words.───敦敦默默地走回书房写下下面的文字.

He is often seen to read hard in his study room from morning till night.───常常能够望睹他从迟到晚正在书房甘读.


David, I won't have you play the drum in my study room.

On the wall of her study room, she had a terrific pen-and-ink portrait of Mother by Hot Spring's artist Gary Simmons, entitled Chelsea's Ginger.

In Chinese, Phoebe Nanmu Study is homophonous with South Study Room.

The functional counter unit incorporating the kitchen, powder room, and study room is made of integrally a solid surface "DuPont Corian".

You went to the study room every day, gravely sitting there and seriously reading book.

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