

词汇 street people
释义 street people
street people发音




street peoples───贫民窟的居民;无家可归的人

more people───更多的人


street battle───巷战

street level───街道标高;街面

street levels───街道标高;街面

street person───街头人士

street price───场外价格;场外行情

the people───人民;民众


Hot summer weather, a lot of street people.───夏季天气炎热, 街上的人很多.

The doors opened and people spilled into the street.───门开了,人们涌上街道。

As with so many street people I have since lost touch with him.───但是和其他的许多街头流浪汉一样,我已经和他失去了联系.

People came between them outside, people crossing the street, people they didn't know.───外面的人群正穿过大街, 隔在他们中间.这些人他们并不认识.

Many of these street people seemed to support themselves by panhandling and doing odd jobs.───这些无家可归者很多似乎都靠街头行乞或者干零工养活自己。

They also sent trucks, called for street people to participate in on time.───他们还派出宣传车, 沿街号召民众准时参加.

We're Street people who are going to respond as we know how.───我们是华尔街人,我们凭专业知识作出回应.

Street Synagogue is opening its doors nightly starting this week to accommodate Wall Street people.───华尔街犹太教堂本星期开始每晚开门,为华尔街白领提供服务。

Many of these street people seemed to support themselves by panhandling and doing odd jobs.───这些流浪者中许多人看起来是靠乞讨和干杂活维持生活。

Word on the street : People like Taj and I can see why.───从人们的谈论中得知,他们喜欢TAJ,我很理解.


Sidewalks were more crowded, there were more street people, traffic felt more chaotic than when I had left.

In chongqing YuBeiOu steering committee, director of the dragon tower street people be white told reporters.

The street people who pose in his paintings live for ever, and he intended it that way.

In one street people were hand-making bicycles out of tubing, welding the bits together and then painting them.

Many of these street people seemed to support themselves by panhandling and doing odd jobs.

Since the building had been empty when the charge went, the street people had taken the casualties.

It also functions as the mission control centre for the city's street people.

  • street fighting
  • street cred
  • street justice
  • street price
  • street furniture
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  • street cleaners
  • streets of London
  • street clothes
  • street fair
  • street smarts
  • streets of rage 4
  • street name
  • street wear
  • street dance of china
  • street level
  • street number
  • street address
  • street dance
  • street map
  • street girl




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