

词汇 straightforward manner
释义 straightforward manner
straightforward manner发音



straightforward task───直截了当的任务

straightforward way───直截了当的方式





straightforward explanation───直截了当的解释


These principles translate to models in a generally straightforward manner.───这些法则以一种通用的简单易懂的方式转化为模型。

By now, you have constructed all the various pieces of the full, end-to-end J2EE application and can test it from beginning to end in a simple, straightforward manner.───至此,您已构建了完整的、端到端j 2ee应用程序的所有的不同的部分,并且可以用简单的、直接的方式从头到尾测试它。

But all we need to do to assure the constraint is obeyed in the instances is declare the chapter class in this straightforward manner.───但是为确保在实例中遵守约束,我们所需做的就是用这种简单的方式来声明chapter类。

You express yourself in a very open, direct, and straightforward manner and are often blunt and tactless as well.───你表达了非常开放的,直接的,直接的方式往往是自己,也钝,不得体。

Modern English, at least in professional settings, is frequently employed in a direct, straightforward manner.───起码在专业设置上,现代英语被频繁应用于一种直截了当的风俗当中。

They were greatly drew by his frank, straightforward manner.───他们被他坦白直率的态度吸引住了。

Control allows you to build an HTML table and specify its characteristics in a straightforward manner.───控件允许您生成HTML表并以直接方式指定其属性。

It is intended to be written in the descriptive and fairly straightforward manner of a guidebook.───本文以导引手册的描述与直接的写作手法作介绍。

The above example can be implemented in a very simple and straightforward manner.───可以用很简单和直接的方式实现上面的示例。


Rather than ensconce the discouraging news in falsely hopeful language, the doctor imparted the diagnosis in a clear, straightforward manner.

But there is also a relaxed, straightforward manner behind the hard business ethos.

Newman's abruptness and straightforward manner mask a morally robust character, equipped with an innate honesty and a strong intuitive sense of right and wrong.

This man does not speak in a straightforward manner , he is garrulous.

  • straightforwardly tusked
  • straightforward shooting denver
  • straightforwardly thesaurus
  • straightforward manner
  • straightforwardly speaking
  • straightforward way
  • straightforward crossword clue




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