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词汇 stored up
释义 stored up
stored up发音



shored up───支持,支撑;加固

stoked up───饱吃一顿

store up───储存;积聚

stores up───储存;积聚

stirred up───激起;煽动;搅拌;唤起

stocked up───备货

stopped up───堵塞;塞住;熬夜

scared up───张罗;凑合;把吓出来

showed up───露面;露出;揭露


Although they have nothing stored up for their future, they don't worry.───虽然它们没有为未来储存起什么东西,但是它们不担心。

They survive the cold season in their below-frostline burrows living off the fat they stored up during the summer and fall.───它们在霜线以下的洞穴里,靠夏季和秋季储存的脂肪度过寒冷的冬季。

She had stored up all her anger and eventually snapped.───她所有的愤怒郁积在一起,终于爆发了。

In a way this is rather like the human memory in which information is stored up ready to be brought forward when it is required.───从某方面来讲,这十分像是人类的记忆,贮存在里面的信息,需要时即可取出来用。

The evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him.───恶人从他心里所存在的恶就发出恶来。

Do not take your servant to be a good-for-nothing woman: for my words have come from my stored - up sorrow and pain.───望你不要以为你的婢女是个坏人,因为我由于极度的痛苦悲伤,一直倾诉到现在。

The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him.───善人从他心里所存的善就发出善来;恶人从他心里所存的恶就发出恶来。

As such, future problems are stored up in the form of shortages, greater dependence and an acceleration of global warming.───如果这样的话,未来我们将再次面临能源短缺,会更为严重地依赖石油,并导致全球变暖状况加剧。

The lurking dangers stored up in complacency during the Premier League's world-conquering boom have finally broken to the surface.───在英超征服世界的沾沾自喜中所潜藏的隐患终于浮出了水面。

  • stored value
  • stored program concept




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