

词汇 statement read
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statement of claim───(英)[法]起诉书;索赔清单

statements of case───案件陈述

statement of claims───索赔清单


We cannot defend the needless publication of the complete data — indeed, we are united in condemning it, " the statement read.───陈述表示“我们不能阻止完整数据的不必要公开- 但是,我们要联合起来谴责它”。

The statement read: "We worked so hard for justice to get a young, dangerous, lad off the streets for a long time.───该声明表示:”我们为了争取正义的审判努力了很长时间,就为了将这个年轻,危险并鲁莽的人从街上赶走。

The Syrian army is declaring it has seized control of Qusair from the rebels in a statement read on state television today.───叙利亚军队声称他们从反对派手中夺回了库塞尔镇的控制权,这份声明今天在国家电视台中宣读。

Those proposals had been submitted the day before, in the general statement read out by the Coordinator of the Group.───这些计划已经在前天由集团协调人以一般性发言的形式递交。

A joint statement read by the meeting's co-host, former U. S. Democratic Sen. Sam Nunn, led off with the line: "America is in danger. "───前民主党参议员SamNunn代表与会的政治家宣读了联合声明。声明开门见山地说:“美国正处于危机之中。”

Silver console panel of the distribution of very reasonable people at a glance , almost do not need to bother statement read.───银色面板的中控台分布得非常合理,让人一目了然,几乎不需要费心思翻阅说明书。

The statement read: "Eduardo underwent surgery in hospital on Saturday and is currently resting. "───医院报告:爱德华多星期六接受了手术,现在正在休息。

Chelsea statement read: "Chelsea Football Club is delighted to confirm the appointment of Avram Grant as Director of Football. "───一份来自切尔西的声明表示:“对阿夫兰姆-格兰特的到来切尔西俱乐部很高兴。”

"The player doesn't need surgery, but will only be able to return to play in 25 days' time, " an official club statement read.───“这名球员不需要手术,但要25天才能恢复上场比赛,”俱乐部官方声明说。


His question and answer statement, read as evidence, was a series of accusations from Hams, and denials by Drew.

In a statement read to the inquest he said Gary knew he would not survive his injuries.

  • statement read
  • statement of account
  • statement above
  • statement analysis




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