启程,出发; 开始[着手]做
starts out───出发;着手进行
stare out───盯得(某人)再不敢对视下去
started out───出发;着手进行
stared out───盯得(某人)再不敢对视下去
stares out───盯得(某人)再不敢对视下去
cart out───推车出去
salt out───盐析;加盐分离
sat out───坐在户外;袖手旁观;耐着性子看完或听完
sort out───挑选出;分类
Let's start out before dawn.───让我们在天亮前起身.
If you want a kitten, start out by asking for a horse.───如果你想要一只小猫, 就先要一匹马.
The rain will let up soon and we can start out.───雨不久就会停,咱们可以出发了.
At midnight we'll start out again, for at dawn tomorrow we must be at the Field of Wonders.───午夜我们再出发,这样明天黎明我们肯定到达那块神奇的土地了。
We'll have a ( quick ) nosh, then start out.───我们先吃些快餐再出门儿.
The Mayor seemed to start out of sleep himself.───市长自己也好象刚从睡梦中醒回来一般.
Most successful business owners do not start out very young.───大多数成功企业家并不是在很年轻时就起步的.
We will not start out until everyone is here.───8大家都来了,我们才会出发.
Although they can handle multiple screens, they do not do well with applications that start out in one place and then move to another.───虽然它们可以处理多屏幕,它们不能很好地处理那些在一个地方开始,然后移动到另一个地方的应用程序。
Now, start out standing erect with both hands at your sides.───现在, 先站直,两手垂直于身体两侧.
Mother told her son to start out early and start back early.───母亲告诉儿子早去早回.
The child'll start out by making relatively few distinctions in the language.───孩子开始时不太能辨别语言中的差别。
Real estate investment trusts real estate financing can start out predicament?───房产投资信托基金启动地产融资能否走出窘境?
Everyone else, the sick excepted, must start out at once.───除了病号, 所有其他的人都立即出发.
Did she start out at nine or eight this morning?───她是今天早上9点还是8点出发的?
I'm careful to start out by saying clearly what I want.───我小心地以清楚地说出自己想要的东西开始。
Having missed the last bus, we had to start out walking.───我们错过了最后一班车, 所以不得不步行了.
The two banana bonds start out from each carbon at roughly the tetrahedral angle.───这两个香蕉键是从每个碳原子以接近四面体角发出的.
Why don't you start out early so that you don't have to hurry?
The leaves start out a pale green, and later get darker.
Everyone is like a butterfly, they start out ugly and awkward and then morph into beautiful graceful butterflies that everyone loves.Drew Barrymore
We'll have a nosh, then start out.
I never thought such an old woman could start out of the sofa.
What time did you start out?
I start out at a brisk trot.
How important is it to start out together?
We don't need to do big things—we can start out small.
- startles crossword clue
- start to move
- start party
- start toread
- starter unite
- start aboutaco
- starts out
- start dream
- start work
- startled definition
- start dash
- startraintrwise man
- startling assertion
- start to grow
- starter unlt
- start again
- start your car
- start something
- start ows
- started to
- started early