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词汇 stag beetle
释义 stag beetle
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stag beetles───鹿角虫;锹形甲虫

May beetle───n.金龟子

bean beetle───墨西哥豆瓢虫

dung beetle───n.蜣螂;金龟子科;甲虫

leaf beetle───叶甲

seed beetle───豆象

to beetle───甲虫


We need to know where the stag beetle lives, and in what Numbers, to be able to conserve it effectively.───我们要了解锹虫生活地区及存活数量,以便能够有效保护这一物种。

situation of stag beetles in our time is discussed, including problems on stag beetle is facing, appealing to people to protect stag beetles as they are enjoying these interesting insects.───锹甲的综合现状进行评述,并总结锹甲作为物种正面临的问题,呼吁人们在欣赏锹甲的同时,更要关注锹甲的物种多样性保护。

Stag beetles' love of ginger could be a key ingredient in the effort to conserve Britain's largest known terrestrial beetle, a study suggests.───研究发现英国迄今为止发现的最大的陆地甲虫——锹虫(鹿角甲虫)嗜好生姜,这有可能会对保护锹虫物种起到重要作用。

We need to know where the stag beetle lives, and in what numbers, to be able to conserve it effectively.───我们要了解锹虫生活地区及存活数量,以便能够有效保护这一物种。

Stag beetle relating to drawings, stamps and decorations are introduced in the art world.───从艺术欣赏角度介绍锹甲与绘画、锹甲与邮票、锹甲与装饰;


We need to know where the stag beetle lives, and in what numbers, to be able to conserve it effectively.

Victims have ranged from the great auk and the lynx to the humble blue stag beetle and Davall's sedge.

The situation of stag beetles in our time is discussed, including problems on stag beetle is facing, appealing to people to protect stag beetles as they are enjoying these interesting insects.

Stag beetle relating to drawings, stamps and decorations are introduced in the art world.

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