

词汇 special account
释义 special account
special account发音




special act───特别法令

special agent───特工;[贸易]特定代理人

social accounting───社会会计

checking account───活期存款;支票户头;活期存款户头

capital account───[会计]资本性帐户;固定资产帐户

credit account───[会计]赊欠帐户;信用帐户;[会计]赊帐;贷方账

dead account───[会计]坏帐,[会计]呆帐

debit account───借方账项

open account───往来账户;未清结的账目;赊销


C: I think the special account will be best, then.───职员: 我想那您最好是使用特殊支票.

I think the special account will be best, then.───我想那您最好是使用特殊支票。

As for the foreign exchange special account, It'should be conducted with approval of the SAFE.───属外汇专用帐户的, 应当经外汇局批准方可办理.

D: Do you keep the transferred amount in a special account that I can't control?───牙医:他们是不是把转帐的钱存入在一个我不能控制的特殊的帐户中呢?

Enterprises should submit agreement of special account for earnest money with appointed bank when applying for establishment.───企业在申请设立时应提交与指定银行签署的开设保证金专门账户协议。


There was a special account before April 7.

Do you keep the transferred amount in a special account that I can't control?

As for the foreign exchange special account, It'should be conducted with approval of the SAFE.

C: I think the special account will be best, then.

And if you want interest paid in another currency, most banks and building societies offer special accounts with this option available.

The amount of money receivable shall enter into his pension account and special account in Program B.

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The money was placed in a special account to accrue interest.

The law firm should manage the special account strictly and take precautions against the risk.

  • special field
  • special treatment
  • special agent
  • special times
  • special education directors
  • special foonotch
  • special force
  • special edition
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  • specialist training
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  • special buddy
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  • specially for you
  • special active carbon use
  • special machine
  • special account




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