

词汇 sounding board
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sounding boards───共鸣板,回响板;被用作试探意见之人

moulding board───模板;擀面板

moulding boards───模板;擀面板

molding board───揉面板;造模板

running board───踏脚板

sounding lead───n.[测]测深锤

sounding blocks───测深块

cooling board───冷却板

cutting board───切肉板


Just listening, and as a sounding board, may help this young women find her own solutions.───通过倾听和平等探讨, 可能就会帮助这个女孩找到适合自己的选择.

He needed a sounding board rather than thinking alone.───他需要的是征询别人的意见,而不是独自思考。

Often a good advisor is more sounding board and less Magic-8 ball.───通常一个好的建议者更像是被建议者的共鸣板,而不是占卦未来的魔力8号球。

was made of Chinese parasol wood firmiana simplex, its rounded shape symbolising the heavens.───是由梧桐木做成的,其圆圆的形状象征着天空。

Be a good sounding board.───做一个好的宣传者.

If you are trying to think of new ideas, corral your pal as a sounding board.───如果你在尝试构思一些新的想法, 与你的好友围在一起,你会和他们产生共鸣和激荡的.

My wife is my greatest sounding board.───我的妻子是我最好的参谋.

He needed a sounding board rather than thinking alone.───他需要一个参谋,而不是独自思考。

I would use newspaper men as a sounding board for such policies.───我将用新闻作为对某些政客的探通术.

My bosses would tell you that I've often acted as a sounding board for them.───我的上司会认为我是一个出色的助理,我和上司之间是相互学习的关系.

Not until the depression would the stage become a sounding board for the American social conscience.───直到大萧条期间,舞台才成为美国社会良心大造舆论的场所.


He needed a sounding board rather than thinking alone.

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