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词汇 soul will
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good will───善意;信誉

ill will───恶意;憎恶


soul kiss───深吻;深情接吻

sour milk───酸乳;酸腐的牛奶

to will───致威尔

sound file───n.声音文件

sound film───有声电影

sour milks───酸乳;酸腐的牛奶


Our soul will continue to exist.───我们的灵魂会继续存在。

That soul will not remember the memory as Shelly Kagan.───那灵魂不会记得作为 Shelly Kagan 的记忆。

When thou readest this, my soul will be near thee.───当你念着这封信时,我的灵魂将在你的身边。

For his soul will keep the truth of your heart as the taste of the wine is remembered When the color is forgotten and the vessel is no more.───因为他的灵魂将保留你心灵的真理,犹如葡萄酒,当颜色被忘却,杯子也不复存在时,它的滋味仍将被铭记。

How much more of our national soul will we give, so that corporations can reap obscene profits with little oversight?───我们到底还要再出卖多少这个国家的灵魂,以便那些大公司在无人监管的情况,无耻地获取利润?

Ahh, Lirondo, with friends like these one need not be afraid his soul will go over to the dark side! Open a barrel of my best!───啊,里隆多,和你们这帮朋友在一起就不用担心你们的灵魂会堕落到黑暗面!开一桶我最好的酒!是的,小雨。

But the upright man will be living by his faith; and if he goes back, my soul will have no pleasure in him.───只是义人必因信得生。(义人有古卷作我的义人)他若退后,我心里就不喜欢他。

It was hot and soon forgotten books almost become my Bible, a few days do not read it, my soul will lose weight.───这本曾热卖过又很快被人遗忘的书几乎成了我的圣经,隔几天不拜读一下,我的灵魂就会失去重量。

Show others just how much God loves them from the life you lead. Then your soul will glow like the leaves of Heaven.───以你自己的生命为别人展示上帝那无比宽厚的爱吧,你的灵魂就如这红叶一样光耀。


Yells: Your soul will languish for eternity.

Warlock Spell- Drain Soul will no longer continue to do damage to another player after they have died.

Character is higher than intellect. A great soul will be strong to live as well as think. Ralph Waldo Emerson 

At every step along the way, your soul will be tested.

Archimonde : Your soul will languish for eternity.

Your soul will languish for eternity.

Will I redeem my soul, will truth set me free?

On the one hand, even if it were true that the soul must be non-physical in order to grasp the non-physical forms, wouldn't follow that the soul will survive the death of the body.

  • soul people
  • soul search
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  • soul will
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