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词汇 son a
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do a───ab;.送达医院已经死亡(DeadonArrival);美国农业部(DepartmentofAgriculture);美国陆军部(DepartmentoftheArmy);n.(Doa)人名;(越)朵

on at───在上

s a───ab;.救世军(SalvationArmy);性感(SexApple);需经批准,有待批准(SubjecttoApproval);半自动的(Semi-Automatic);减震(ShockAttenuation);表面面积(SurfaceArea);n.(Sa)人名;(缅、柬)萨;(东南亚国家华语)三;(中)萨(普通话·威妥玛)

so as───conj.为了,以便,以致






Andrea gave her son a sound spanking.───安德里亚使劲地打了她儿子的屁股一下。

When I gave my son a cookie, he was happy.───当我给了我儿子一个饼干时,他心花怒放。

She made her son a scarf.───她为她的儿子做了一条领巾。

So Mrs Green bought a pair of jeans for her son, a skirt for her daughter and a sweater for Mr Green.───所以她给他们的儿子买了牛仔裤,给女儿买了裙子,给各林先生买了毛衣。

Then suddenly the eldest son, a stripling , spat on his hands and said wistfully.───大儿子是长大成人了,他忽然往手上吐了口唾沫,若有所思地说。

She explained her son's final wish and asked if it might be possible to give her 6 year-old son a ride around the block on a fire engine.───母亲讲述了儿子的临终愿望,问能否让她6岁儿子坐在消防车上沿着街区兜一圈。

When my son A Hua this time back to me with flowers of the earth, I know it, the last time she said, that there should be a sprout.───儿子禀告我阿华这次来还给我带了栽花的土,这我是知道的,上次她说过的,应该还有一种花苗。

It has been suspect chopped Yang said the old man's son, a father and the father of a little dragon long strong "pro-corner. "───据被嫌疑人砍伤的杨老汉的儿子介绍说,父亲与龙久烈的父亲有点“拐角亲”。

No one could induce him to leave his office except his son, a lovely infant, Mr. Spencer researched the ingredients of the infant's food.───没人能劝使他离开办公室,除了他的儿子,一个可爱的幼儿。斯宾森先生研究幼儿食品的成分。


The parents are trying to breed their son a musician.

Andrea gave her son a sound spanking.

She knitted her son a sweater.

Father has decided to give his son a huge sum of money for his independence from the family.

She gave her son a severe beating.

He whanged his son a shrewd one yesterday.

She gave her son a slap for behaving badly.

He mixed his son a salad.

I bought my son a portable typewriter.

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