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词汇 solid fuel
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solid fuels───固体燃料

solid model───实体模型

solid food───固体食物;干粮

solid for───固体




solid figures───[数]立体形,立体图形

solid figure───[数]立体形,立体图形


They have converted from solid fuel to natural gas.───他们已把固体燃料转变成天然气.

A hybrid machine tool is a new type equipment developed for producing the high - energy solid fuel.───本课题混联机床是我们为 高能 固体燃料的加工所研制的一种新型加工设备.

Three months'test production shows theadvantages as improving the quality of sinter and lowering solid fuel.───三个月的试生产取得了初步成效,烧结矿质量提高,固体燃耗降低.

At certain temperature, gas will be turned into solid fuel and oxygen.───在一定的温度下, 固体燃料会转变成气体并与氧气结合.

Solid fuel motors are coming into use.───固体燃料马达即将开始使用.

We're decided to convert from solid fuel to natural gas when the cold weather sets in.───我们决定在寒冷天气到来以后停用固体燃料,改用天然气.

The dark wedge - shapes visible on the two wheels are the solid - fuel rockets.───黑暗的楔 形 形状清晰可见的两个轮子,是固体燃料火箭.

The boiler uses solid fuel.───这个锅炉烧固体燃料。

The influence of carbon on the process of firing hematite pellet containing solid fuel is investigated.───研究了碳对内配固体燃料赤铁矿球团焙烧过程的影响.

Coal is a form of solid fuel.───炭是一种固体燃料.

The solid fuel consumption of sinter has been decreased greatly through insisting on using high-quality calces.───通过坚持使用高质量的生石灰,大大降低了烧结矿的固体燃料消耗。

The lamp is made of block burnt paper by people. This is a mix solid fuel.───本厂的孔明灯都是用经过改良的阻燃纸纯手工制作, 燃料为固体混合型.

At a certain temperature, gas will be turned into solid fuel and oxygen.───在必定的温度下, 不流体燃料会转变成气体并与氧气会面.

The procedures of heating - up and starting - up a - charging coke oven which burns solid fuel temperature are described.───介绍低温环境下捣固焦炉采用固体燃料烘炉和开工所采取的一系列特殊措施.

China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation ( CASIC ) revealed the KT - 1 solid - fuel space launch vehicle in 2001.───中国航天科工集团公司 ( CASIC ) 在2001年显示KT -1 固体燃料运载火箭.

so at a high enough temperature to ignite the solid fuel.───在足以点燃固体燃料的高温中,HTP就是这样反应的。


This is China's first solid fuel ICBM (with a range of about 8,000 kilometers) and roughly equivalent to the U. S. Minuteman I of the 1960s.

The technique of reprocess shaping of solid fuel is applied in production widely. The design of special type bolt on pressing shaping machine is the key technique.

Solid fuel would be more economical.

If you use solid fuel many approved coal merchants provide budget schemes and supply small quantities.

Whether, you're burning solid fuel, gas, or electricity, there's a fireplace for you.

The boiler uses solid fuel.

Starchaser recently launched its two-stage solid fuel Starchaser Discovery rocket.

The temperature distribution in two kinds of solid fuel combustion have been measured instantly by BOXCARS with single laser pulse.

Others For any advice on solid fuel, dial 100 and ask for Freefone Real Fires.

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  • solid solution
  • solid evidence
  • solids have
  • solid fuel
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  • solidly work
  • solid geometry
  • solid mechanic
  • solidifying define




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