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social psychologies───社会心理学

social pathology───社会病态;社会病理学

abnormal psychology───变态心理学

clinical psychology───临床心理学

Gestalt psychology───[心理]完形心理学;[心理]格式塔心理学

industrial psychology───工业心理学

structural psychology───结构心理学,构造心理学

child psychology───儿童心理学

pop psychology───大众心理学


Social psychology is the study of individual and group psychology, social psychology phenomenon of the branch.───社会心理学是研究个体和群体的社会心理现象的心理学分支.

The work appears in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.───此项研究已收入《实验性社会心理学》期刊中.

Social psychology, strictly speaking, deals with the behavior of people in groups.───严格地说, 社会心理学研究人们的群体行为.

Surveys social psychology and organization theory interpreted in the context of the managerial environment.───探究社会心理学和以管理环境语义解释的组织理论.

How power and social psychology influence language attitude?───权力和社会心理如何影响语言态度?

He obtained his doctorate in Social Psychology.───他获得了社会心理学博士学位。

As this social psychology study shows, people are actually pretty poor intuitive psychologists.───像这项社会心理学实验证明的那样, 人们是蹩脚的直觉型心理学家.

In order to explore the jealousy theory of social psychology, documentary analysis method was employed.───为了探究社会心理学关于嫉妒的研究, 应用文献分析等方法,评析社会心理学嫉妒研究观状.

Popularity is a well-explored subject in social psychology.───大众化是社会心理学中一个被广泛研究的课题。

Markets consist of huge crowds of people, and technical analysis is applied social psychology.───市场充满了大量的人, 技术分析应用了社会心理.

There have been many different views towards postmodern social psychology since it was advanced by K · J · Gergen.───自K·J·格根的后现代社会心理学观点提出后,学术界对其褒贬不一.

Professor Lanphier obtained his doctorate in social psychology from the University of Michigan.───教授从密歇根大学获得了社会心理学博士学位。

Bartlett F C. Remembering: A study in experimental and social psychology.───巴特莱特, 《记忆: 一个实验的社会心理学研究》.

Social subconsciousness is the repressed social psychology.───社会潜意识是一定社会中受到压抑或抑制的社会心理.

Attitude theory is an important research field in social psychology.───态度理论是社会心理学中的重要研究领域.

Expertise of philosophy, economics and social psychology are excerpted in the text.───多学科包括哲学 、 经济学、社会心理学等.

Euphemism is mirror reflecting social psychology of various kinds relevant to social issues in different respects.───委婉语可以说是社会心理的一面镜子,折射出了形形色色的社会心理状态,涉及到方方面面的社会问题.

First and foremost I think phenomenological social psychology is about lived experience.───首先,我认为现象的社会心理是对生活的经验.

The development of this disease is related to many factors including anatomy, neurotransmitter and social psychology.───其发生与解剖 、 神经递质、社会心理等多个因素有关.

The union social psychology theory, may realize assignment fair from the control infringement behavior angle.───结合社会心理学理论, 可以从控制侵犯行为的角度来实现分配的公平.

It includes the integration of social psychology with network.───它包括网络对社会心理的整合与社会心理对网络的整合.

Technical analysis is applied social psychology, the craft of analyzing mass behavior for profit.───技术分析要利用社会心理, 利用分析大众的行为赚钱.

Its expressional features and existent style a social psychology.───其表现特征和存在方式是一种社会心理.

Can be observed through the literary works created psychological enjoy psychological, and social psychology.───我们透过文学作品可以观察创作心理、欣赏心理 、 乃至社会心理.

Social psychology is a branch of psychology devoted to systematically researching social psychology and social behavior.───社会心理学是系统研究社会心理与社会行为的心理学分支学科之一.

With the increasing development of social psychology and research topics are also increasingly enriched and expanded.───随着社会心理学的日益发展,研究课题也日益丰富和扩大.

The findings appeared last month in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.───结果上月发表在个性人格和社会心理学杂志上.

Jealousy is often discussed generally together with the sense of unfairness in Western social psychology.───西方社会心理学常将嫉妒和不公平感笼统地放在一起讨论.

I first heard of this next technique in a social psychology lecture.───第一次听说接下来的这个技巧实在一次社会心理学的讲座上.

So I'll explain the study then ask you to vote on whether it should be included in my top ten social psychology studies.───所以我要先向大家解释这项研究,然后请你们投票决定它到底是否应该被包括在十大社会心理学研究之内。

The scholars in this school have a heavy orientation to psychology and social psychology.───这个学派的学者有着强烈的心理学和社会心理学的倾向.

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  • socially distanced




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