n.社会生活; 社交生活
social lives───社交生活,社会生活
social bee───社交蜜蜂
still life───静物;静物写生
social climber───n.想法挤入上流社会者;攀高枝者;趋炎附势的人
social circle───社交圈子
social mediae───社会化媒体
Boyfriends , social life and travel are common topics.───男友 、 业余生活和旅游便是大众话题.
My social life and business life are closely tied.───我的社交生活和工作联系紧密。
Her social life get in the way of her study.───她的社交生活妨碍了学业.
Fifth, economize your social life.───五 、 节约社交开支.
grand building in the centre of town used to be the hub of the capital's social life.───这座位于城镇中央的宏伟建筑曾经是首都社交生活的中心。
I have a fantastic social life.───我的社交生活丰富多彩。
I have a fantastic social life.───我有着极好的社交生活。
Don't know from when, I don't like social life anymore, only hangout with close friends.───不知道从什么时候开始, 我变的不爱社交了, 只喜欢和自己熟悉的人来往.
The criteria of this social life are brutal.───这种社交生活中标尺是残酷无情的.
We have an active social life.───我们有活跃的社交生活.
She was on the threshold of social life.───她这就开始参加社交生活.
Writing a blog adds a huge new dimension to my social life.───在网上写博客为我的社交生活拓展了广阔的新领域.
When I was dieting, that was when my social life started going down the tube.───我节食的时候,也就切断了一切社交生活。
George stayed out of the social life of the school.───乔治置身于该校社交生活之外.
Your social life should really be taking off right now.───近来,你的社交生活真的会启动.
Which three words are most common ones in social life?───哪三个词在社交场合最经常使用?
Democracy is incompatible with excessive, bureaucratic regimentation of social life.───民主与受到过度的、官僚化的管制的社会生活是不相容的。
Jane began to rebuild her social life which had been non-existent since her marriage.───简开始重新建立自己自结婚以来便陷于沉寂的社交生活。
Susie chatted away about her social life.
We must renovate our social life to keep abreast of the times.
My social life and business life are closely tied.
I had an active social life when I was at college.
Kindness is the sunshine of social life.
All she cares about is her social life.
I have a fantastic social life.
'How's your social life?' 'Non-existent, I'm afraid.'
Her social life was picking up at last.
- social work service center
- socialists eg nyt crossword
- social occasion
- social man
- socialist country
- social impact
- social relations
- social entrepreneurship
- social workers
- socialists meaning
- social rank
- social democracy
- socialists def
- social movement
- social sciences
- social network
- social reformer
- social event
- social capital
- social structure and anomie
- socially distanced