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词汇 social convention
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political convention───政治会议;政治习俗

special collection───[金融]特别托收

political conventions───政治会议;政治习俗

open convention───公开会议

social commentary───社会评论

social context───社会背景;社会环境;社会情境

social control───社会控制

social function───盛大的公共集会,社会功能;正式社交集会

National Convention───全国代表大会(美国政党为总统候选人提名而召开);国民公会(指1792-1795年间的法国议会)


's just a social convention that men don't wear skirts.───男人不穿裙子仅仅是一个社会习俗。

In the past, choice of soul mate was limited by geography, social convention and family tradition.───以前,地理位置、社会习俗和家庭传统限制了人们对灵魂伴侣的选择。

So let's stop acting like it is, and kill this outmoded social convention.───因此,让我们别再被邮件和旧观点奴役,从今而后废除掉这种过时的惯例吧!

Hands also indicate how much we care for ourselves and how we view social convention.───手也反映了我们有多关心自己和关注社会的变化。

But, at least as a kind of social convention, high-level languages are often all treated as equivalent.───但是,至少某种社会共识认为高级语言通常被认为是一样强大的。

The social convention quality is the commercial bribe rampant or not objective environment, the spread corruption is a soil which it breeds.───社会风气的好坏是商业贿赂猖獗与否的客观环境,蔓延的腐败现象是其孳生的土壤。

That's the difference between a matter of morality and one of mere social convention, and Schulman and others believe kids feel it innately.───这便是一个道德问题与一个纯粹的社会公约之间的区别,舒尔曼和其他人相信孩子们会与生俱来地感觉到这些。

It depends on the construction of good social convention to improve the teaching effect fundamentally .───要从根本上改善教学效果,有赖于构建良好的社会风气。

Social convention keeps too many married women at home, limiting the size of its workforce.───在社会常规的驱使下,许多已婚女性选择做全职家庭主妇,限制了意大利劳动力规模的扩大。


What actions express an attitude is largely a matter of social convention.

She knew that she had broken an important social convention.

It's just a social convention that men don't wear skirts.

The purpose of the supper forgotten by the Corinthians, customary social convention prevailed and divisions resulted.

He loathed gentility and social convention. To him they smacked of fakery, like the various artistic symbolisms, Surrealism among them, that modern painting had contrived.

Back in the Fifties, social convention required that males models keep their kit on.

Like readers hiding behind pseudonyms online, self-importance inflates through the roof, social convention vanishes, and naked aggression rules.

The handshake is a social convention.

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