short snort───一饮而尽
short score───短分数
short story───短篇小说(指一万字以内的小说)
short scores───短分数
short sight───近视;目光短浅
soft snow───软雪
to snort───哼
If you're impatient, and simply can't wait to try out snort as an IDS, try running snort -a, which puts snort in alert mode.───如果您耐心不足,或者无法等待尝试将snort作为IDS使用,请尝试运行snort - A,这会将snort切换为警报模式。
While configuration is a more general set of rules about how Snort should operate, rules tell Snort what to do every time a packet comes across a network interface that Snort monitors.───虽然配置是关于Snort如何操作的更加一般化的规则集,但在包每次跨过所监视的网络接口时,规则将告诉Snort执行什么操作。
Run the snort command with the -v flag, which tells snort to sniff network traffic and print out information to the console.───使用- v标记运行snort命令,这告知snort嗅探网络流量,将信息输出到控制台。
- snort crossword
- snort login
- snort snort