

词汇 smart well
释义 smart well
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smart wells───智能井

salt well───盐井

smart wool───混合羊毛纤维

smart wools───混合羊毛纤维


eat well───健康首选;吃得营养;吃的好;胃口好

salt wells───盐井

smart set───最时髦的人

smart sets───最时髦的人


Well," said Hans, "if she is not really smart, I won't have her."───好吧,”汉斯说,“如果她不是真的聪明,我就不会娶她。”

If you have the least bit of interest in how human beings learn and act as groups, reading all of The Smart Swarm is well worth your time.───如果你对人类如何学习和作为一个群体有一点兴趣,那么阅读所有的《聪明的蜂群》是非常值得你花时间的。

He was smart and well groomed but not good looking.───他时髦而且打扮整齐,但是长得不帅。

Attention seeking: You can be smart, well-read, creative and knowledgeable, but none of it is any use if your mind isn't on the job.───找寻注意:你可以聪明、博览群书、有创造力且学识渊博,但是如果你无心工作,这些将一无用处。

These were smart, well-intentioned people trying to make the right call.───这些聪明,动机良好的人尽力做出正确的决策。

Smart, well-structured metadata helps publishers to identify, organize, use, and reuse content in ways that are meaningful to key audiences.───灵活、结构优秀的元数据可以帮助发布定义、组织、使用和重用内容,这些都是对目标受众有意义的。

Spence: Mao is dead, the Gang of Four is gone, Deng Xiaoping is a very smart, well-educated peasant like Mao . . .───Spence:毛泽东死了,“四人帮”也已一去不复返,邓小平是一个像毛泽东一样非常聪明、受过良好教育的农民……

Earlier we discussed working smart, well if you work smart and work hard, then you'll really get a lot done.───先前我们讨论了聪明工作,恩,如果我们聪明工作又努力工作,你一定能做出很多卓有成效事情。

But that doesn't spell a life of poverty for tech-smart, well-spoken social media managers.───不过这并不意味着精通技术、善于言辞的社交媒体经理们从此一辈子没饭吃了。

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