

词汇 sleep off
释义 sleep off
sleep off发音




sleeps off───vt.以睡眠消除

sleep sofa───睡椅

keep off───让开;不接近

see off───送行,送别

seen off───送行,送别

sees off───送行,送别

sleep out───睡在户外;不住在工作处


He can not sleep off his anger.───他睡一觉也不会消气.

He felt pleasantly drowsy and had to fight off the urge to sleep.───他感觉舒适地昏昏欲睡,不得不击退睡意。

The true face of the natural order of bed and sleep off the Lui Fong.───真面目自然令同床共寝的吕方却步.

Yesterday, I tried to sleep off this cold, But it didn't work.───昨天, 我试着用睡觉来治疗感冒, 但没用.

Two young sled dogs sleep off their meal of fresh, though toxic, Greenland shark.───两只年幼的雪橇犬在吃了含有毒素的格陵兰鲨鱼肉后正在昏睡.

She's trying to sleep off this headache she has.───她试着靠睡眠舒缓头痛.

He is in a bad mood today, but he'll sleep off.───他今天情绪不好, 不过睡一觉就会好的.

I must be dehydrated, she thought, and went home to sleep off.───我一定是脱水了, 她想.她到家就睡觉了.

Bog off, I'm trying to sleep!───走开,我要睡觉啦!

when he finally drifted off to sleep that the headaches eased.───当他最终慢慢睡着时,头疼才减轻了。

He kept falling down , however, and eventually decided to sleep off.───但他不停地跌倒, 最后干脆决定躺在地上,一睡了之.

You can sleep off your fatigue.───睡眠能恢复疲劳.

  • sleeping tablets
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  • sleep drive
  • sleep ng
  • sleeper cell
  • sleeper agent
  • sleep on you
  • sleeper summer hit
  • sleeping dogs
  • sleepy jones
  • sleep long
  • sleeping care
  • sleeps with butterfly
  • sleep car
  • sleep more
  • sleeping habit
  • sleep off
  • sleep mask
  • sleep addiction
  • sleepers movie
  • sleep song




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