

词汇 sleeping together
释义 sleeping together
sleeping together发音



lumping together───合在一起

scraping together───东拼西凑

sleep together───发生性关系;通奸

sleeps together───发生性关系;通奸

clubbing together───v.协作

getting together───聚会;聚集;收集;积累

living together───同居,生活在一起

piecing together───拼凑

slept together───发生性关系;通奸


We were still sleeping together," I said. "people don't sleep with people they hate."───我和他现在还睡在一起呢,”我说,“人都不会和自己恨的人睡在一起吧?”

But since they'd begun sleeping together, she had no joy in her life.───但自从他们开始睡在一起后,她的生活便没有了欢乐。

I know he's going out with her, but I don't think they're sleeping together.───我知道他跟她在谈恋爱,不过我想他们还不至于上床吧。

"We were still sleeping together, " I said. "People don't sleep with people they hate. "───“我们可一直一起睡的,”我说:“人不会和自己憎恨的人睡吧。”

He broke off the relationship with her about eight months before but they maintained a friendship (no kissing or sleeping together).───他八个月前同他的前女友分手了但是仍然保持朋友的关系(但不会那么亲密)。

Two years ago I met my boyfriend at a party and a month later we started sleeping together.───两年前,我和男友在一次舞会上相识,一个月后,便同居了。

I wouldn't advocate sleeping apart any sooner than I would argue for always sleeping together.───我历来赞同同床而睡,分开睡我是不会提倡的。

When couples first start sleeping together, they are willing to sacrifice comfort to be close to their partner.───当夫妻俩人开始第一次睡在一起,他们都愿意为对方的舒适做出牺牲。

Not sleeping together, cuddling or kissing in front of the children.───在孩子们眼前不要睡在一起,拥抱或亲吻。


She had obviously enticed Patrick to run away with her - were they sleeping together, she wondered briefly?

We are sleeping together and that is good, too.

Seventy-five percent of couples said sleeping together all the time was a turn-off.

Jeff had some funny lines on sleeping together and swimming lessons at school strange how Len Fairclough kept cropping up.

I know he's going out with her, but I don't think they're sleeping together.

Leith's mouth fell open in surprise as she realised that this awful man thought she and Travis were sleeping together.

  • sleeping tablets
  • sleeping dogs
  • sleeping care
  • sleeping habit
  • sleeping quarters
  • sleeping beauty
  • sleeping alone
  • sleeping giant
  • sleeping bags




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