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词汇 sink back
释义 sink back
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重重地往后坐下; 退下


shrink back───害怕;退缩

slick back───往后梳高

swing back───回摆;回转

think back───回想

kick back───回踢;反弹;付回扣;平静下来

ring back───回电话

send back───送回;退还


Then tell her to slooowly let that shape sink back down into the spot it rose from.───然后,告诉她慢慢的让那个物体体沉落到原来的位置。

What if they sink back into poverty?───要是他们重新陷入贫困,那会怎样?

When they are too high they sag under the stars' gravity and sink back into the ground.───当它们太高的时候,就会在中子星的引力作用下下坠,重新陷入地面。

Sudan, perhaps more than any other country in this region, seems to have a destructive capacity to sink back to the worst days of its past.───苏丹可能比这一区域的任何其他国家的毁灭力量都更强,让这个国家重新回到了自己历史上最为惨痛的岁月。

Even if they were to lose the territory they hold, the Tigers could still sink back into the local population and launch attacks from there.───即便他们将会失去他们手中的掌控的地区,“猛虎”仍然会重新聚集他们的当地力量并且在当地发起进攻。

Previously contented people continue to be contented, while those who were miserable before sink back into misery.───以前满意的人继续感到满意,而以前不快乐的人,从新沉沦入不快乐之中。

What happens next will determine whether the country can maintain growth momentum or, through complacency, sink back into stagnation.───下一步发生的事情,将决定这个国家是会维持增长动能,还是会因为自满而再次陷入停滞。

Soften the temples and the muscles around the eyes, allowing them to sink back into the sockets.───软化太阳穴和眼睛周围的肌肉,让它们沉陷入后面的腔穴中。

Without water, ocean crust would not sink back into the earth's mantle.───没有水,海洋外壳也许会沉入地幔。


As you gradually learn to do this, even the most turbulent emotions fail to seize hold of you and instead dissolve, as wild waves rise and rear and sink back into the calm of the ocean.

Just a few weeks ago he had been saying the whole affair would fizzle out and Banfield would sink back into anonymity once more.

Folly tried to sink back inconspicuously into the soft leather seat and take stock.

  • sinking feeling
  • sink back




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