singing games───唱游
singing career───歌唱事业
singing voice───歌喉;歌声
online game───网络游戏
rhyming game───押韵游戏
singing out───大声喊出;向法院或警方自供
singing teacher───歌唱老师
skin game───(美)骗局;诈欺
waiting game───伺机而动的策略
Teach them the game, singing, dancing, drawing and calculation.───教她们游戏、唱歌、舞蹈、画画和计较。
We came to the river, sometimes singing, sometimes game, sometimes mixed stirring little feet into the water.───我们来到河边,有时唱歌,有时游戏,有时把小脚丫伸到水里搅呀搅。
London Bridge is Falling Down" is a well-known traditional nursery rhyme and singing game, which is found in different versions all over the world.───伦敦桥要塌了是一首众所周知的传统童谣和歌唱游戏。全世界有很多不同的版本。
Hello everybody, Hello teacher, Singing game very happy.───同学好,老师好,唱歌游戏真快乐。
- singing lesson
- singing battle gacha life
- singing contest
- singing songs
- singing song
- singingflow control