share information───信息共享
star formation───星形队形
back formation───n.逆构词
false information───假情报;虚假信息
shotgun formation───散弹阵
store information───储存信息;商店信息
swap information───交换信息
tissue formation───组织形成
A shale formation with sandstone interbedded is also a potential oil bearing formation.───以泥岩为主,夹砂岩的地层也可能是油气层。
Horizontal maximum and minimum principal stresses are nearly equal in shale formation, and very different in sand formation.───在泥岩段水平最大与最小主应力基本相等或相差甚小,在砂岩段才呈现较大差异。
There are many factors to affect identification of oil and gas bearing layers in the sand-shale formation.───在砂泥岩地层中,影响油、气层识别的因素较多,尤其在复杂地质条件下准确识别油气层难度更大。
Statoil could be an attractive partner because of its experience developing the big Marcellus Shale formation in the US north-east.───由于在美国东北部开发大型马塞卢斯页岩(MarcellusShale)层的经验,挪威国家石油公司可能是一家有吸引力的合作伙伴。
Design of Even and Odd Teeth Polycrystalline Bit and the Drilling Effectiveness in Oil Shale Formation───奇偶齿鱼脊式聚晶钻头的设计及在油页岩地层的钻进效果
Study on casing load in injections wells of shale formation and the critical injection time───泥页岩地层水井套管载荷、临界注水时间确定
Two-step approximate formula of seismic velocity in sand and shale formation is given on the basis of core analysis. logging data interpretation and wave velocity mechanism analysis.
A clutch of roughnecks, smudged with dirt and tattoos, are coring the earth, bringing up a little slice from the shale formation below.
- shale shaker screen
- shales masonry
- shales ham
- shale formation
- shale city