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词汇 shaking hands
释义 shaking hands
shaking hands发音



shaking hand───颤抖的手

shake hands───握手

shifting sands───流沙

smoking stands───吸烟区

change hands───[贸易]转手;(钱等被)花掉

helping hands───援手;支持;帮忙

running hands───奔跑的手

shaking palsy───震颤麻痹

shaky hand───颤抖的手


Shaking hands again, they parted.───他们再次握手道别。

I see friends shaking hands.───我看见朋友们在握手。

They are shaking hands.───他们在握手。

The painting shows the two countries, Japan and the United States, shaking hands over the ocean, and saying 'We are with you. '───这幅画展示的是日本和美国这两个国家越过海洋握住手,并说“我们和你们在一起”。

However, in our actual life, which seems to be simple to do a good job of shaking hands is not so easy.───但是在我们的实际生活中,要把看似简单的握手做好,并不是这么容易的事。

Twenty minutes later, he scraped off the last bit of glue and with shaking hands he opened the flap.───二十分钟后,他刮掉了最后一点儿胶水,双手颤抖着打开口盖。

For now, the world's diplomats will have to get used to shaking hands with a wanted war criminal when they deal with the president of Sudan.───目前而言,当和苏丹总统打交道的时候,世界上的外交家们得要适应同一个被通缉的战争犯握手。

With shaking hands, I texted the news to Lisa, and told her to come to Miami the next day.───我用颤抖的手把这个消息用简讯告诉了丽莎,并让她第二天去迈阿密接我们。

They were impolite to China, at least to Beijing. It's just like shaking hands with you with gloves on, which implied you are felt dirty.───不过他们这个绝对是对中国至少是对北京失礼的行为。就像和你握手时候带着手套一个道理,嫌你脏。


After his address, Houston worked the crowd, shaking hands, patting backs.

I accepted the tea with shaking hands and soon we were laughing.

The Princess was photographed shaking hands with AIDS victims.

I liked shaking hands at the end of the third round.

Both boys had good manners, politely shaking hands.

One can imagine them forthrightly shaking hands and congratulating and thanking each other, but the words are lost to posterity.

Just the sight of Nixon shaking hands with Chou or chatting with Mao Tse-tung gave him stature.

We sealed our agreement by shaking hands.

I took a deep breath and with shaking hands I typed my letter of resignation.

  • shaking island
  • shaking up
  • shaking bottle
  • shaking with
  • shaking hands




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