

词汇 beat about
释义 beat about
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beat out───搞清;敲平;使筋疲力尽

get about───传开,传播;(病后)走动;旅行;积极参加社会活动

set about───着手;开始做…

went about───四处走动

what about───怎么样;(对于)…怎么样

bleat on about───喋喋不休

bear out───证实;支持

beaten out───精疲力竭,很疲乏

beats out───搞清;敲平;使筋疲力尽


Get straight to the point. Don't beat about the bush.───有话直说,别 跟 我捉迷藏.

Please get to the point. Don't beat about the bush.───请直说吧,不必拐弯抹角!

Don't beat about the bush.Please come to the point.───不要绕圈子, 请直说吧。

All the trees and bushes beat about her.───一株株树,一丛丛灌木在她的四周拍打着枝叶。

If there's anything you want to say, don't beat about the bush and just say it out.───有什么话就直说吧! 别兜圈子了.

He didn't beat about the bush, but came straight to the heart of the problem.───他单刀直入, 一下子指出了问题的要害.

He beat about the bush without coming to the point.───他转弯抹角不说正题.

Why should you beat about the bush when asking for better wages?───你要求加薪又何必拐弯抹角 呢 ?

Don't beat about the bush. Please come to the point.───说话不要绕圈子,请直说吧.

You might come straight to the point. Don't beat about the bush.───你直说吧,别绕弯儿.

Speak frankly and don't beat about the bush.───有话直说,别打圈子.

Get to the point. Don't beat about the bush.───说话不要拐弯抹角.

He would not answer yes or no, but beat about [ around ] the bush.───他不愿意直接回答, 而是兜圈子.

He likes to beat about the bush when he speaks.───他说话爱绕圈子.

Don't beat about the bush when you have anything to say.───说话别兜圈子.

Tell me the truth, don't beat about the bush.───告诉我实话, 不要拐弯抹角了.

The prisoner beat about for a way to escape.───囚犯拼命寻找逃路.


Instead of answering my question he began to beat about the bush.

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