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词汇 set apart
释义 set apart
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分开放; 隔离开; 留出; 突出



sets apart───留出…;使分离;区别

kept apart───分离

to set apart───分开

fell apart───崩溃;土崩瓦解;破碎

grew apart───往不同方向生长,合不到一起;产生隔阂;朝不同方向生长,变行有隔阂

tear apart───把……弄乱;使……分裂

tell apart───区分;分辨

setting apart───留出…;使分离;区别

streets apart───大相径庭


He was in a room specially set apart for him.───他在特别留给他的一间房子里.

This room is set apart for smoking.───这屋子是为了专供人们抽烟而流下的.

He was set apart because he suffered an infectious disease.───他被隔离开了,因为他得了传染病.

Set apart for the LORD your God every firstborn male of your herds and flocks.───你牛群羊群中头生的,凡是公的,都要分别为圣,归耶和华你的神.

Abraham set apart seven ewe lambs from the flock.───亚伯拉罕把七只母羊羔另放在一处.

The chair was set apart from the others for the special guest.───给特殊客人坐的椅子与其它椅子分开来了.

You must set apart some money for the future.───你必须留出一些钱来以备将来之用.

This example uses the Q element to set apart a quotation in text.───下面的例子使用了q元素分离文本中的引语.

The harness room of the barn he had set apart for himself and intimates.───他把马房里的马具间留给自己和好朋友们.

We have set apart a special sum of money for new equipment.───我们留出一笔专款添置新设备.

I have set apart a little money for our holidays.───我留出一点钱准备我们度假用.

Two rooms were set apart for use as libraries.───留出两个房间作为图书室。

This room is set apart for reading.───这间房子留作阅览室用.

Design debt can be set apart, by tagging it with a "design-debt" designation, or by using a distinct work item type.───设计债可以通过标记“设计债”,或者使用不同的工作项类型,来进行分开处理。

Eyes are medium size, set apart, almond shaped and dark brown to light amber in color.───眼睛中等大小, 位置分的较开, 杏仁状,颜色是从深褐色到浅琥珀色.

Saturday set apart once a year for taking up collections in aid of hospitals.───一年一度为医院募捐的星期六.

Utterly abhor and detest it, for it is set apart for destruction.───你要十分厌恶,十分憎嫌, 因为这是当毁灭的物. ”


They are used in combination to set apart two main groups, the detrital and the chemical.

Light is set apart From the reality we both restored To one another.

Traditionally these days were set apart for prayer and fasting.

I have set apart a little money for our holidays.

She had been shewn into a side chapel set apart for visitors.

Traditionally, these days were set apart for special prayer and fasting.

One road is set apart for the testing of the heating apparatus, etc., on vehicles.

Political leaders, where they can be set apart from the party, may help to shape a party's image.

Two rooms were set apart for use as libraries.

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