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senate bills───参议院法案

finance bill───财政法案;融通票据

private bill───私法案,私人条例草案;私法法案

bearer bill───[金融]不记名汇票

demand bill───见票即付的支票或汇票

final bill───最终的法案;最后的账单

hefty bill───巨额账单

legal bill───[法]法律草案

repair bill───修理明细单


Abortion could also scupper things, as the Senate bill's provisions on the matter do not please some conservative House Democrats.───堕胎这个问题也会使情况变得难以处理,因为参议院的法案无法取悦那些保守的民主党议员。

In a televised speech on Monday Bush spelled out his vision for immigration reform that closely resembles the Senate bill.───布什在周一的电视讲话中讲出了他对移民改革的意见,该意见接近参议院法案。

Suddenly, a cause that couldn't find its way into a bill for two or more years was set to become State Senate Bill 1395.───这样一来,一个在两年或更久的时间里都无法成为议案的想法突然间变成了州参议院法案1395。

Yet the collapse of the Senate bill does not mean illegal immigration will go away, either as a fact or as an urgent political issue.───但是参院法案的失败并不意味着非法移民问题作为急迫的政治议题,不论是在事实上会销声匿迹。

Lawmakers must now reconcile differences between the Senate bill and a similar measure that passed the House of Representatives in December.───议员现在必须调和这份参议院法案和12月获众议院批准的一份类似法案中的不同之处。

S. ambassador to China, said he backs the Senate bill even though he warns that "slapping penalties" on China could ignite a trade war.───但他警告称此“类似于耳光的对华惩罚”将有可能引起一场贸易战。


The Senate bill, introduced by Sen.

Under the Senate bill, the food stamp program would be left under the control of the federal government.

The Senate bill would raise the tax deduction for health insurance bought by the self-employed.

A hearing on the legislation, Senate Bill 1993, sponsored by Sen.

Senate bill would impose no limits, but Sen.

But the Senate bill designed to implement the plan contains some consumer-friendly changes that could kill it instead.

Like the House measure, the Senate bill requires public housing residents to contribute eight hours of community service a month.

The Senate bill retains the existing program with minor changes.

The less tangible effects of the Senate bill will come from the provisions relating to jobs and social services for immigrants.

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