

词汇 security staff
释义 security staff
security staff发音



recruit staff───招聘员工

security chief───安全主管

security guard───保安人员

security leak───安全漏洞

security leaks───安全漏洞

security van───保安车

security vans───安全车

security guards───保安;警卫

security situation───安全形势


They ended up ripping down perimeter fencing and tussling with the security staff.───最终他们拆毁了四周的围栏,与保安人员厮打起来。

The gatecrasher was forced out of the banquet hall by security staff.───闯席的人被保安强行的拉出了宴会厅.

Additinoal security staff will be employed at the main entrance to the complex.───更多安保人员将被雇佣安排在大厦的入口处.

There exist a lot of problems in the mangement of the public security staff.───当前,公安队伍管理中存在诸多问题.

staff became suspicious. They searched Feng's bag and found documents proving who he really was.───他试图进入考场时,监考人员发现他形迹可疑,随即,他们搜查了他的背包,包内的证件泄露了其真实身份。

The company said Mr. Sun had not been beaten but later said it had disciplined its security staff.───而富士康声称保安并没有殴打该员工,但随后说已惩治了保安人员。

Provide surgical gloves and masks for security staff.───提供口罩及手套给保安人员.

They ended up ripping down perimeter fencing and tussling with the security staff.───他们最终扯掉了周边的栅栏,并和保安人员扭打起来。


The security staff can see all the outside of the building on their CCTV monitors.

  • security guards
  • security market line
  • security personnel
  • security check
  • security interest
  • security device support
  • security staff
  • security deposit
  • security issue
  • security council
  • security cameras
  • security intelligence
  • security officer




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