negative number───n.[数]负数
certain number───一定数量
cetane number───十六烷值增进剂
dial a number───拨号
lepton number───[高能]轻子数
neutron number───n.核内中子数
real number───[数]实数
You must provide this information by specific seat and row number.───承运人必须提供这些特定的座位和排号的信息。
piaowutong-zy 】, open 【 buy ticket now 】, select the movie, timing, date and seat, then link the mobile phone number. Select 【 paid by PWT movie card 】 to continue payment.───中影票务通微信,打开【快速购票】选择电影、场次、数量、座位后并关联手机号,在支付环节,选择【中影票务通电影卡支付】。
The specific location of seats, if any, with movable armrests (i. e. , by row and seat number);───带活动扶手的座位(如果有的话)的位置(如,第几排座位数);
Seat by number. Late audience please wait in the waiting area till the interval.───迟到观众请在等候区等候,待幕间安排入场,就近入座.
Seat by number. Late audience please wait in the waiting area till the interval.
- seattle wa
- seated row
- seat silk
- seat by number
- seating area
- seat belt
- seating plan
- seating map
- seat cushion