season tickets───长期票;月票
meal ticket───n.(美)饭票;餐券;赖以为生的工作;提供生活来源的人
pawn ticket───当票
return ticket───(英)往返票;回程票
train ticket───火车票,路票
speeding ticket───超速罚款条
season ticket holder───季票持有者
return tickets───(英)往返票;回程票
speeding tickets───超速票
I used to travel by bus a lot, so I had a season ticket.───我过去常常乘巴士旅行, 所以我有季票.
Season ticket holder will receive a refund if their train is cancelled.───定期车票持有者在其车次被取消时可获得退款.
" What did you want with a season ticket, then? "───“ 那么你们当初为什么非要全赛季的票子不可 呢 ? ”
A monthly season ticket to Boston, please.───请办一张去波士顿站的月票.
I am a red sox season ticket holder who moved to st. Louis.───我是“红袜”队的季票持有者,现搬到了圣路易斯。
a season ticket holder───有季票的人
Ann has a season ticket as she takes the train to work every day.───安因为每天搭火车上班,所以有季票.
Tourist season, ticket prices are not all high.───旅游旺季, 机票价格也并非全部高高在上.
" I'm not mad,'she snapped. " I'm merely asking you for a season ticket. "───“ 我没发火, " 她厉声说, " 我只是要你弄一张全赛季的票. ”
We went to renew our monthly season ticket.───我们去续了月票。
Season ticket sales are likely to fall, perhaps by as much as 10 percent.───季票销量很可能会下跌,或许会达到10%的跌幅。
A monthly ( season ) ticket to Victoria, please.───请办一张去维多利亚站的 月票.
My season ticket means that I can travel any number of times during the stated period.───我的季票使我在指定的时间随便乘多少次车都行.
We went to renew our monthly season ticket.───我们去换月票。
Year after year, season ticket renewal rates check in at better than 90 percent.───而且他们的季票更新率每年都保持在90%以上.
The season ticket is available for three months.───季票有效期为三个月.
My season ticket will expire this week.───我的月票到这周为止.
Other rich pickings, including season ticket sales, are expected to exceed last year's £5m.───其他丰厚的赚头——包括季票销售额——有望超过去年的500万英镑。
Show your monthly [ season ] ticket, please.───请出示月 [ 季 ] 票.
I just attended a post draft luncheon held by the Rockets for season ticket holders.───我刚刚去参加了火箭队为季票持有者们举办的选秀后聚餐.
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- seasonal variation
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- seasoned homemaker
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- seasoning cast iron skillet
- season tickets
- seasoning blends
- seasoned travelers
- seasoned mom