share option───[金融]股份认购权(在一定时期内按预定价格买卖股票的权利)
soft option───轻松的选择;较为方便的出路
share options───股票选择买卖
soft options───轻松的选择;较为方便的出路
swaps option───互换期权
call option───看涨期权;购买选择权
easy option───不难的选择
swap option───互换期权
swapped option───交换的选项
Think these "natural" weight-loss AIDS are a safe option?───您觉得这些“天然的”的减肥是一个安全的选择吗?
Just giving your audience information is the safe option.───单方面的向观众传递信息是保险的做法。
Is leaving a safe option?───是不是一个安全的选择?
Against that backdrop, the only safe option may be to stay out of the market altogether.───在这种背景下,惟一安全的选择可能就是完全退出市场。
Am I the only one who still believes nuclear power is a relatively safe option?───难道只有我一个人仍然认为核电是一种相对安全的选项吗?
But most BIID sufferers claim that legalizing surgery to allow them to achieve their goal is the only safe option.───可是大多数的BIID患者表示通过法律认可的手术来达到他们的目标将会是唯一安全的选择。
This is an embedded database similar to Derby, and it is included with Rails V2. 0 or higher, making it a "safe" option here.───这是类似于Derby的嵌入式数据库,并且它是RailsV2.0或更高版本附带的,因此是安全的。
Think these "natural" weight-loss aids are a safe option?───您觉得这些“天然的”的减肥是一个安全的选择吗?
Is leaving a safe option?───离开家是不是一个安全的选择?
His one-iron from the tee seemed the safe option, but the ball trickled into the front bunker.
If you have had only one cesarean delivery, VBAC may be a safe option for you.
It is sometimes quite hard for a person to do the unconventional, but that may be the only safe option.
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