

词汇 safari parks
释义 safari parks
safari parks发音

n.野生动物园( safari park的名词复数 )


safari park───野生动物园

safari hats───旅行狩猎带的帽子,探险帽

safari jackets───狩猎外套,旅行夹克

safari jacket───狩猎外套,旅行夹克

safari shirts───狩猎衫

car parks───n.停车场(carpark的复数形式)

safari hat───旅行狩猎带的帽子,探险帽


But when you go to the safari parks, a tiger break loose of the cage and want to make you to be its lunch.───但是我们到野生动物园,一只老虎挣脱了笼子,想要把你当成午餐的时候你怎么做?

At safari parks, live sheep and poultry are fed to lions as spectators cheer.───野生动物园里, 活的羊和家禽被拿来喂狮子,人们居然还欢呼雀跃.

Most safari operator price quotes include park entrance fees, full room and board, transport costs from the starting base to the various parks, and the costs of fuel plus a guide for wildlife drives.───大多数萨法利经营商的报价包括从最先住宿地开始直到各个公园的门票,全部食宿和交通费用,还有观看野生动物所需的汽油和司机费用。

surge of rustling in French zoos and safari parks has left owners and keepers asking how long it will be before someone walks off with an elephant.───从蛇到火烈鸟,从袋鼠直至秃鹫,没有什么动物是不可能失窃的。动物园的所有者现在担心的是,再过多久会出现盗贼“顺手”牵走大象?


We revealed that monkeys from Longleat and Woburn safari parks have been sold for laboratory experiments.

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