ideal setting───理想设定
urban setting───城市环境
claw setting───n.爪镶
fire setting───火力法采掘
default setting───默认设置
rural planning───乡村规划
spread betting───价差赌注
It is a means of asserting themselves in this rural setting, of finding a voice and putting themselves in greater control of their own destiny.───在乡村的环境,这是表达她们自己的一种途径;也是透过声音掌握自己命运的途径。
Worldwide, demand for products such as found in a rural setting are said to be on the increase.───在世界范围内,据说,对产品,如农村背景下生产的产品的需求正在增长。
end, the subterranean residence provides the inhabitants with a contemporary dwelling in the countryside that both respects the scale and tradition of the rural setting.───最终,地下室为乡村居民提供了当代风格的居住空间,既尊重了乡村住宅的规模又尊重了乡村环境的传统。
Or is it that we foreigners do not have right to enjoy a pleasant night amid the beauty and calm of a classically Chinese rural setting?───还是我们外国人没有权利在中国古典乡村的美丽与平静中享受一个宜人的晚上?
Worldwide, demand for products such as found in a rural setting are said to be on the increase.───在世界范围内,据说,对产品,如农村背景下出产的产品的需求正在增长。
I was already nervous, this being my first foray into living alone in a rural setting.───我已经紧张,这是我第一次进军独自一人居住在乡村的设置。
The school has a rural setting with close access to major cities and provides international student program and quaker values.───学校位于乡村,与一些主要的大城市毗邻。学校提供国际学生课程和教友会价值观。
Yet Oldknow's historical reputation largely derives from the community which he created in this rural setting.
They have been on exercise for a week, learning and practising the techniques of counterrevolutionary warfare in a rural setting.
The hotel is in a tranquil rural setting.
I had certainly found the rural setting I had been hankering after.
We also offer a stimulating homebase from which to enjoy and learn within a rural setting.
Their cottage is in an idyllic rural setting.
What is more, both of them have stated that they prefer to work in a rural setting.
- rural king guns
- rural development