oil in place───油层中现存油量;地质储量
resting place───休息处;长眠之地
in place───适当,适当的;在适当的地方,在恰当的位置
out of place───adj.不合适的;不相称的;不在适当的位置
resting places───休息处;长眠之地
trysting place───幽会处
meeting place───聚会地点,会场
mise en place───n.食材准备,餐前准备
parking place───[交]停车场;停车位
With this code in place, you are now ready to run the test.───有了此代码后,您就做好了运行测试的准备。
Shear sleeve adapter allows ball to be run in place or dropped from surface;───剪切球座配合接头,能够确保投球从地面投放或送入到位;
If you don't have a staircase, run in place or walk briskly around the house.───如果你不想做上下台阶,原地跑或者绕着房子走圈也行。
In addition to hyperventilation , you may be instructed to run in place, shake your head from side to side, or hold your breath.───除了深度呼吸之外,还要求人们原地跑动、左右晃脑或屏住呼吸。
When deployment is turned off, tests are run in place.───关闭部署后,测试将就地运行。
I have always wanted to keep growing as a writer, not run in place.───我希望自己作为一名作者持续成长,而不是乐于呆在一个合适的地方。
I do jumping jacks, run in place, and jump rope on the balcony.───我可以做跳跃动作,原地跑步,还可以在阳台上跳绳。
- run after
- run low on
- run into debt
- run so quick
- run out of gas
- run so slow
- run over
- run that
- running star
- run aftergame
- run free
- run over to
- run to fast
- run short
- running stream
- run and run
- run application
- running up that hill
- run along the coast
- run home
- runska volna