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词汇 ruling class
释义 ruling class
ruling class发音



reducing glass───缩小透镜

burning glass───凸透镜;取火镜

cupping glass───拔火罐

dancing class───舞蹈班

evening class───夜间班;夜校

reading glass───n.放大镜

ruling grades───统治等级


This poem fully expresses the author's love for the ordinary people and hatred for the ruling class.───这首诗酣畅淋漓地抒发了作者对普通人民的爱和对统治阶级的恨。

Ultimately the determining factor is the mental attitude of the ruling class itself.───最终的决定性因素是统治阶级本身的精神状态.

All through the feudal ages the ruling class did their best to shackle women with Confucian ethics.───历代封建统治阶级都力图用礼教把妇女禁锢起来.

However, these very practical technology, are for feudal ruling class service.───但是, 这些实用性很强的技术, 都是为当时封建统治阶级服务的.

The sinister purpose of the reactionary ruling class was covered over with pretentious rhetoric.───反动统治阶级的险恶目的被夸夸其谈的辞藻掩盖着.

Song was used by the ruling class during their sacrifices to the gods and ancestors.───颂是宫廷用于祭祀上天和祖先的歌词.

But a closer look at this car shows that it is the ultimate form of transportation for those who rule the ruling class.───不过近距离看这辆车时,会发现这是为那些支配统治阶级的人创造的交通工具的最终形式。

What it will do is create a whole new ruling class.───它要做的就是创造一个全新的统治阶级。

While wars could be won or lost, no ruling class could be completely irresponsible.───战争虽有胜负, 但任何统治阶级都不能完全乱来.

A ruling class which could guard against all of them would remain in power permanently.───统治阶级如能防止这四个原因的产生就能永久当权.

The Eloi, obviously the masters, are descended from the nineteenth - century ruling class in England.───埃洛伊人显然是主人, 起源于十九世纪英国的统治阶级.

These humans were to be as ruling class for the remaining Red Nation's peoples.───这些人类成为了剩下的红族的领导阶层.

Chinese believe that all rights are given by the ruling class.───中国人认为人权是统治阶级给予的.

Owing the globalisation of capital under neo - liberalism the ruling class recognises the solution must be global.───由于在新自由主义下的资本全球化,统治阶级理解到解决危机的办法必须是全球性的.

The ruling class will not fall of itself.───统治阶级不会自行退出历史舞台.

The working people struggled over centuries for independence against the ruling class.───劳动人民为了摆脱统治阶级的统治获得独立奋斗了几个世纪了.

Hence, law reflects only the will of a ruling class.───因此, 法职能是统治阶级意志的体现.

  • ruling synonym
  • ruling out
  • ruling class
  • ruling party




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