

词汇 rolled into
释义 rolled into
rolled into发音



folded into───把...调入

pulled into───(车)进站

roll into───卷成,使合为一体;滚进

rolled in───蜂拥而来;有大量的(钱财等);就寝;到达

rolls into───卷成,使合为一体;滚进

rolling into───卷成,使合为一体;滚进

rolled into one───合为一体

booked into───签到;登记

fallen into───分成,开始;变成


I rolled into the restaurant.───我一阵风似地冲进餐馆.

The ball rolled into the hole.───球滚到洞里去了。

The train rolled into the station.───火车慢慢地驶入车站.

More than 100 tanks rolled into eastern Croatia.───100多辆坦克开进了克罗地亚东部。

The ball rolled into the net.───球滚进了网中。

The ball rolled into the net.───球滚进了网。

Two months before the Olympics, Soviet tanks rolled into Prague.───奥运会前的两个月, 苏联的坦克开进布拉格.

This is our kitchen, sitting and dining room all rolled into one.───这既是我们的厨房,又是客厅和餐厅。

By noontime the train rolled into Detroit and he began to feel exceedingly nervous.───中午时分,火车隆隆地开进底特律,他开始感到异常的紧张.

She a good teacher and a famous writer rolled into one.───她既是一位优秀教师,又是一位著名的作家.

I was so tired I just rolled into bed.───我累得见床滚上去就睡.

The ingots can be seen rolled into aluminium foil in some plants.───在某些工厂,可以看到这些铝锭被轧制成铝箔.

So you're the sheriff and the welcome wagon all rolled into one, huh?───那你是治安官和欢迎车的组合吗嗯?

Are you the one that plays ten kinds of jazz rolled into one?───你是那个把10种爵士乐混在一起演奏的人?

The ball rolled into the hole and she had won.───球滚进了洞,她赢了。

It's a penknife, scissors, corkscrew all rolled into one.───这集小折刀 、 剪刀和螺丝起子于一身.

She has become his assistant and secretary rolled into one.───她既成了他的助手,又当他的秘书.


The ball rolled into the net.

The ball rolled into the street.

Banks are several businesses rolled into one.

The ball rolled into the hole.

It's a penknife, scissors, corkscrew all rolled into one.

The ball rolled into touch.

The ball rolled into the hole and she had won.

Pink curlers were rolled into her hair.

He bounced off the side, then rolled into a ditch.

  • rolled off
  • rolled thread




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